Thursday, January 14, 2010

Washing Nudie Jeans In Cold Water

Parrozzo The typical dessert of festivals in Abruzzo

History and curiosities:

E' only recently become a sweet, when around 1920, a famous pastry chef in Pescara, Louis D'Amico, who was also the owner of a café in the center, had the idea to make it sweet and to produce in his laboratory, reworking the recipe without changing the original characteristics. The pastry was a close friend of Gabriele d'Annunzio and he did it first try his new creation. Thus the poet, pleased with the result, he composed a passionate sonnet in the local dialect as a tribute to sweet baby: "Song of Parrozzo.

elements of tradition.
Farmers Abruzzo prepared for consumption, from time immemorial a bread with the flour of maize, hemispherical and baked in the oven, they called Bread Rozzo, as opposed to one made with wheat flour, white, and then, to be supplied to the "gentlemen". At the beginning of last century Luigi D'Amico had the idea of \u200b\u200ba hunger transposition of sweets, playing with the yellow of corn to the egg, keeping the hemispherical coverage and working fine dark chocolate, and then black, for reproduce the surface characteristics of the dark singe cooking in the oven and, at the precise indication of Gabriele D'Annunzio, called him Parrozzo. Numerous letters, poems and dedications to D'Annunzio for this his favorite dessert. What is needed to


150 grams of chocolate, 125 g sugar, 80 g butter, 60 grams of almonds, 50 grams starch, 60 grams of white flour, five eggs, ten bitter almonds

How to prepare the recipe parrozzo


the imaginative poet Gabriele D'Annunzio, up to this praise parrozzo of Pescara, Abruzzo well-known pastry specialties "is ttante bbona 'nine parrozzo is that it seems crazy na de san Ciatto. ch'avesse made 'you know wheat supplied' the land from the lavuri bbove. the earth's richness and luster that if coce closed tonne de 'na provole, to' seal up gientile, and a few to a few duvente jug doce de ddoce anything. " the baker Louis D'Amico, who works for years, it presents a prose d'Annunzio, "the pan is rude peasants of Abruzzo, transformed by an imaginative and sophisticated pastry chef. but retains its rough appearance, its shape and its color naive corn and cruscello, but hath been enriched in the transfiguration of grace, fragrance and sweetness. contributed to this kind of miracle of the countryside fresh eggs, almonds from our hills, the feral mixed with fresh butter in our tracks, sugar and chocolate. all these elements, gathered near the pine forest of pescara, like the parrozzo itself, are creatures of the same sun. " put the almonds in boiling water, quindi pelarle e pestarle nel mortaio dopo averle coperte con due cucchiai di zucchero. sciogliere il burro, versare i tuorli in una terrina con il rimanente zucchero, sbattere bene ed unire le mandorle pestate. aggiungere la farina e la fecola con il rimanente burro. montare a neve gli albumi ed unirli all'impasto. quindi metterlo in una tortiera imburrata e mettere lo stampo al forno ben caldo (220°); cuocere per 45 minuti. preparare la crema di cioccolato e quando la torta sarà cotta e raffreddata, spalmarla con il cioccolato coprendola completamente.


Minestra di cardi

E’ praticamente un brodo a base di cardi. Questo piatto tradizionale si consuma il giorno di Natale.

Il brodo, come da tradizione, viene fatto con carni miste e verdure e viene lasciato bollire per circa tre ore. Per accorciare i tempi di cottura, si può utilizzare la pentola a pressione. La “Minestra col cardone” è un tipico piatto abruzzese da proporre in inverno come minestra leggera che introduce ad un primo piatto importante. Molto facile da preparare, pone solo il problema di trovare il cardone.

Utilizzo principale    Primo piatto della tradizione del Natale in Abruzzo.
N° persone    4

Ingredienti    • 800 gr. di cardi grossi

• 4 eggs • 100 gr.
grated cheese • 1 lemon, grated nutmeg
• •
broth (turkey, chicken and veal)
• chicken and turkey giblets 1 onion

• • a glass of dry white wine soup
• Imperial diced • salt

Preparation 1 - First you need to get the thistles (fresh and white). Clean the long coastline of the thistle, cut into small cubes and place them in plenty of water acidulated with lemon, then rinse thoroughly. Cook the cockles in salted water and then cook until they have become soft and tender. Drain, immerse in cold water, then wring vigorously and place into a large enamel pan if possible.
2 - Add the egg mixture a thistle and Parmesan cheese (an egg and two tablespoons of Parmesan cheese per person) plenty of grated nutmeg.
3 - A part you will be better prepared and clear broth for turkey, chicken and veal, fried with chicken and turkey giblets (preparation: carve a previously boiled diced tiny stomachs, livers, hearts and ridges, fry chopped onion in the end, pulling the kitchen with a glass of dry white wine), an imperial soup diced.
4 - Pour the right amount of boiling broth in the saucepan and stir gently adjusted the thistles bring to a boil over low heat so the soup remains clear and transparent.
5 - Now add the diced imperial soup, the giblets and serve.

Source Abruzzo. Also known as ...
Soup with cardone.

Cardo common thistle or
The cultivated cardoon (Cynara cardunculus altilis) or wild artichoke is a winter vegetable shaped like Celery, but belonging to the family of the artichokes. The flavor is similar to that of artichoke, but with shades reminiscent of celery.
The thistle has very few calories. Takes a long time to clean it is to cook it. Only the variety "Cardo hunchback" Nizza Monferrato is fit to be eaten raw.

Description It looks like celery as a form and is very similar to the artichoke taste like but unlike the artichoke, its close relative, the cardoon is grown for at least the culinary field, for its stalks are very long: 60 to 150 cm. It is common in winter. The thistle wear the coast, ranging cooked and consumed immediately after cleaning (see "Cleaning the thistle"). It tastes characteristic and bitter.
mainly uses thistles are cooked au gratin or fried. The first firing (very long, 2 to 4 hours) is usually done in milk or water. Should provide the day before cooking and leave to cool thistles immersed in the liquid. In Piedmont, are accompanied with the famous Bagna Cauda (see recipe). Other uses
In Sardinia is produced liquor and thistle thistle oil. Plant

thistle flower is the thistle una pianta erbacea perenne in natura, annuale in coltura; si distingue dal carciofo per il notevole sviluppo delle coste.
Il cardo è piuttosto duro e di sapore amaro e viene per questo sottoposto a imbiancamento, le piante, cioè, vengono coltivate in assenza di luce e, alcune varietà, vengono addirittura interrate, piegando la pianta di lato, verso il basso e ricoperta di terra, restando così fino al momento in cui vengono raccolti (quest'ultimo procediento viene impiegato per la varietà "gobbo di Monferrato").
Non essendo il cardo un ortaggio facile, per la sua commestibilità, il gelo è fondamentale, infatti, dopo una gelata, la consistenza del cardo diventa migliore and more tender.
Variety There is a thistle, which grows in the wild and is used in cooking as the cultivated cardoon. There are a variety of thistle, common throughout central and southern islands, called Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) blessed thistle or cardoon or Madonna. The plant is known in folk medicine for its beneficial properties of tonic for the liver. There
the Hunchback of Monferrato, named for the form it takes, like a big hook is the only one that can be consumed raw in vinaigrettes.
The most common varieties in Italy are: Cardinal of Bologna, no thorns, filled with ribs, medium thickness; Cardo di Chieri, very popular in Piemonte, good quality, very thorny and easily storable, Cardo Tours, but not widely appreciated variety for a difficult Cardo giant Romagna, grown in 'whole area of \u200b\u200bRomagna, wide leaf blade, medium jagged, green-gray, with long petioles, medium concave with thorns. There is also a Cardo
winged (Cardus acanthoides) which is commonly found in wetlands and erbosee Cardo and sad (Cirsium heterophillum) which stands for copolini red-purple flower. Source
The Cardo is a plant native to the Mediterranean.
Stagionalità    Giunge a maturazione in inverno.
Reperibilità    Solo in inverno.
Come scegliere     Quando si acquistano i cardi bisogna verificare che i gambi siano bianchi e compatti; non devono avere tracce di colore verde, in quanto duri e amari, mentre quelli che tendono ad aprirsi non sono più molto freschi. Vanno scelte quindi piante dal colore chiaro, chiuse e pesanti, prive di macchie, con costole croccanti e larghe.
Suggerimenti    Se dopo averli lavati non vengono subito cucinati bisogna put them in acidulated water to prevent them discolouring. To prevent the thistle blacken the boil, it is advisable to boil the cockles in water with the juice of half a lemon or a tablespoon of white flour. How to clean

the card is cleaning the kitchen of the thistle take a long time. It 's a very long and laborious operation, you must remove the hard outer coast and stringy, it is best to use a potato peeler, until you get to the heart. The ribs are then checked and cut into pieces, keeping them immersed in water acidulated with lemon if you are not using immediately, thus preventing blackening. The larger leaves should be discarded, as you can eat the tender leaves that develop in the central part of the head.
Calories 70 gr. contain: 10 calories and 42 kJ. Property
The thistle is rich in calcium, potassium and sodium. It contains: Carbohydrates: 1.7; protein: 0.6, Fat: 0.1, water: 94.3; cholesterol 0, sodium: 23; 10 calories.
has very few calories and a fairly high satiety index, so it can be enriched in taste even with a certain amount of fat while maintaining a high satiety. It is not always
Contraindications well tolerated by people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. Better not eat in the evening.
Celiac does not contain gluten.
(Data provided by the AIC: Italian Celiac Association)
Hold to secure the best method is to keep it hanging. Peeled and blanched it can be frozen. You should keep in the refrigerator in a plastic bag on which you have practiced the holes, after the base of the plant wrapped with aluminum foil. In this way it can be refrigerated in the vegetable bin for over a week. Even
said ... Also called wild artichoke, rennet, cardoon thorny
History The first traces of the Cardo were found in Ethiopia and later in Egypt.
Pliny in his "Natural History", lists him among the finest vegetables.
Since ancient times, shoots and seeds of milk thistle were used to produce cheese curds, but only in the '500 we have the first evidence of its presence in the kitchen, and its techniques of bleaching. Two doctors
his court, at the end of the sixteenth century. wrote:
"ordinarily eat the thistles in the autumn and winter of soft facts and white under the earth. "
In 700 the famous cookbook "Il Cuoco Piemontese," cites the classic recipe made from thistles: Bagna Cauda (or caoda), the signature dish of Piedmont cuisine. Along with the sights and legends
tartan, thistle is perhaps the symbol that identifies more Scots, and today is seen as used to indicate a range of Scottish products, services and organizations. Legend has it that a band of Scottish warriors were about to be caught in their sleep by a group of invading Vikings, and were saved only because one of the attackers put his bare foot on a thistle wild. His cries sounded the alarm and the Scots, awake, as having defeated the Danes. In a sign of gratitude the plant was called Guardian Thistle (thistle protector) and was adopted as a symbol of Scotland.
There is no historical evidence to support this legend, but whatever its origins, the Scottish thistle was an important symbol for more than 500 years. Appears in a recognizable way, perhaps for the first time on silver coins issued in 1470 during the reign of James III, and since the beginning of the sixteenth century it was incorporated into the royal arms of Scotland.
Taken from: The official site of Scotland's national tourism. In the Italian dialects
Calabria: cacocciulu; Campania cardo selvatico/in senso furbesco:vulva: cardogna; Lombardia: caf (Tartano/SO); Molise: carde; Piemonte: card, card servaj; Sardegna: ardu; Umbria: gòbbu.
Nelle lingue straniere     In FRANCESE: Chardon sauvages, in INGLESE: Wild cardoons.
Sagre ed eventi     Ad Andezeno (TO) "sagra del cardo".
consigliate     Bagna cauda (Piemonte)


Timballo di scrippelle

Il timballo di scrippelle è il piatto principe dei giorni di festa a Teramo. Immancabile a Natale, e a Capodanno. Le "scrippelle" sono frittatine sottilissime di acqua, farina e uova, preparate su una padella caldissima, simili, se non identiche, alla "crepe" francese.
Il timballo alla teramana, presenta poco sugo, ma è ricco di "pallottine" come quelle dei maccheroni alla chitarra, e trova la sua particolarità nella preparazione degli strati che, non sono di pasta sfoglia, ma di "scrippelle". Oltre al sugo con le pallottine, i leggerissimi strati di scrippelle ospitano infatti spinaci, uova, cubes of cheese or mozzarella, artichokes and everything that every woman of the house she inherited from her mother and grandmother. Using First

main dish of Christmas and the holidays in Abruzzo.

• Ingredients Ingredients for scrippelle:
One egg and 2 tablespoons of flour per person

• Ingredients for the sauce:
a good tomato sauce, fried Mixed pieces of lamb, salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil good. Making a classic tomato sauce, vegetables let coarse, then will be removed along with pieces of lamb.

• Ingredients le polpettine:
Carne tritata di manzo, sale, pepe, noce moscata, uovo, poco pane ammollato nel latte (proprio poco, la ricetta originale non lo prevedeva, ma così restano più morbide, olio per friggere.

• Ingredienti per il timballo:
3 scamorze
3 uova sode tagliate a fettine
gr 200 di piselli cotti
rigaglie di pollo
polpettine di carne

Preparazione    1- Preparazione delle scrippelle:
amalgamare uova e farina aggiungendo acqua fino ad ottenere una pasta piuttosto liquida. Con un mestolo, versare un poco alla volta l'impasto in una padella che, di volta in volta, dovrà essere unta sul fondo con un poco di lardo. Far cuocere la "scrippella" dalle due parti, a fuoco lento, facendo attenzione a non romperla nel girarla.

1- Preparazione delle polpettine:
Fare l'impasto per le polpettine. Fare delle polpettine piccolissime, poco più grandi di un cece friggerle e buttarle nel sugo. Si possono anche non friggere e, buttarle direttamente nel sugo, oppure prima di metterle nel sugo le si può sbollentare leggermente infarinate.

2- Preparazione del timballo:
Foderare il fondo di una teglia con alcune "scrippelle" in modo che facciano da involucro. Form layers by placing the meat sauce and other ingredients listed, brushing it all with a mixture of beaten eggs, milk, parmesan and pecorino. Fold the edges of the "scrippelle" to close the case and pass the pie in the oven, leaving at least an hour and a half. Serving

removed from the oven is better to cover it with foil and let rest for at least an hour, maybe two. Must be compacted, remain moist and soft.
The pie is also good cold.
Time required 3 hours including cooking time + 1 hour rest.
Low Cost.
Hard difficulty. Variants
The filling may be enriched with other vegetables as desired. Source
Some claim that the French have discovered in Teramo, in the years of their passage in Italian, there's "scrippella" but it is certainly true. The pie in Teramo, therefore, would be a distant relative of "pancakes", but its preparation and its design make it a main course only one of the dishes.
wine to match or Montepulciano d'Abruzzo DOC Cerasuolo Montepulciano d'Abruzzo DOC.

Christmas Lunch:
timbale scrippelle
turkey soup soup thistles
Lu rintrocilio
turkey broth

Christmas Cakes:
calcionetti fried
Scrippelle (see pie scrippelle)

Soup Soup Imperial Imperial

you get working on a mixture of eggs, flour, Parmesan cheese and parsley in the following way: separate the yolks of eggs from the album (counting an egg per person).

Reds Beat vigorously with Parmesan cheese (scant two tablespoons each egg) flour (a tablespoon per egg), salt, nutmeg.

Whisk the egg whites, gently combine the two mixtures, add plenty of finely chopped parsley and spread in an ovenproof dish lined with baking paper, in a thin layer. Bake in a moderate oven for ten minutes.

When the soup a delicious golden crust has formed and gives off a pleasant aroma rustic, bake, cool and cut into small cubes.

Imperial Good soup can also be purchased at delicatessens that offer products of the traditional cuisine.

turkey to canzanese

Getting a nice young turkey, boned thoroughly, season with salt inside Tacchinella alla Canzanese tie with string.

In a pan, suitable for later fired, edged a low heat high enough to prepare a broth made with two liters of water, salt, onions, celery and carrots, crushed the bones of the turkey carcass and bones of the knee calf. Submerge the turkey in the hot broth and add three or four at the clothes, peppercorns, juniper berries, fennel, and a bunch of herbs consisting of rosemary, bay leaves, sage, thyme, mountain mint, marjoram.

Bake and cook over low heat for four or five hours, until the cooking liquid is not restricted to a quarter of a liter.

Adjust the turkey on a serving plate, cut into large pieces. Strain the cooking liquid and sprinkle over the meat. Let stand in a cool place for several hours before serving. It is advisable to prepare the turkey the day before the canzanese.

Lu rintrocillo

This name refers to a white paste made of flour, salt and water, cut with a special rolling pin, notched, widely promoted in Lanciano and High Sangro.

Lu rintrocillo è condito con un sugo di castrato e maiale, abbondante peperoncino rosso e formaggio pecorino stagionato, grattugiato al momento.

Come preparare il sugo

In un ampio tegame di coccio porre una cipolla bianca, olio extravergine d’oliva, un bel tocco di carne di castrato di montagna (preferibilmente di Casoli) ben nettato e privato dell’eccesso di grasso, una pari quantità di polpa di maiale, far rosolare a fiamma vivace, salare, aggiungere uno o due bicchieri di acqua tiepida (la quantità è in relazione al peso della carne) incoperchiare e continuare la cottura a fuoco lentissimo per tre o quattro ore, verificando ogni tanto fino a quando l’acqua non si sia ritirata del tutto, la cipolla disfatta e la carne intenerita e cotta. A questo punto aggiungere la passata di pomodoro, aggiustare ancora di sale e continuare sempre a fuoco lento affinché l’olio formi uno strato omogeneo, limpido e trasparente. Togliere dal fuoco e tenere in caldo

Preparazione della pasta

Per la dose si consideri una presa di farina a due mani per ogni persona

Farina 0 oppure una miscela a metà di farina di grano tenero e di farina di grano duro, un pizzico di sale, acqua quanto basta.

Impastare il composto di farina ed acqua sbattendolo sulla tavola come per la lavorazione del pane affinché la massa divenga liscia ed omogenea.

amass so for at least half an hour. Let rest in a cool, dry mass pool, then reworked it again herding them with both hands with great force on a work surface.

Pull the dough with a rolling pin to a height between 3 and 5 mm, sprinkle with a little flour and cut strips about 20 cm in length. Cut the strips with a rolling pin gear. A good paste rintrocillo can also be purchased at the delicatessens that offer products of the traditional cuisine. The dough

rintrocillo be boiled in salted water until al dente and drained. Drizzle with the sauce, pecorino cheese and pepper and serve hot.

meat, cut into pieces, is an excellent e saporito secondo piatto.


Torcinelli o crispelle

Un chilo di farina, due cubetti di lievito, 3 patate lesse, un pizzico di sale e un pizzico di zucchero scorzetta di arancia grattugiata.

Si impasta, si sbatte, si fa lievitare al caldo coperto per almeno un paio d’ore.

Quando la pasta sarà ben lievitata si pone sul fuoco un tegame a bordi alti con abbondante olio di oliva.

Prendere porzioni della pasta con le mani unte, allungarle e dare una forma a tortiglione, friggere a fuoco vivo.

Scolare, far asciugare su un foglio di carta assorbente spolverizzare con zucchero semolato e cannella in polvere.

La Dolce scrippella

typical unknown to most but very delighted by the Abruzzi

In many families Abruzzo Christmas is expected for his spirit of faith and reconciliation. The culinary arts at this time trying to bring out the best to suit a particularly joyous.
The desserts are often the protagonists in the tables of these days with panettone, nougat and Pandora. E ', however, "the scrippella" to excel in the homes of Chieti, especially those of the Adriatic coast
as Vasto. The scrippella tastes irresistible, almost no defects if we exclude its high caloric content and its process that requires experienced hands.

In warm water the yeast is dissolved with a pinch of salt to be mixed for at least an hour with the flour and mashed potatoes through a sieve. After the mixture to thicken it and to rest for about sixty minutes in a cold environment is not, as the dough is shaped into wires (usually about 20-30 cm long by 2 / 3 cm thick) and then fried (a minute or so) in hot olive oil until golden brown uniform. The
"scrippelle" are then laid in paper towel to remove excess oil, and later sweetened in special trays.

is not a sweet easy to implement, requires, as we have said, practice and profession, yet its flavor is so delicious that makes you want to get any fan in the kitchen because this delicious cake as opposed to others such as "Parrozzo" or "Panducale" is virtually unknown to the major retailers, perhaps to the fact that there are other ingredients, in addition to the traditional ones, which are not detected.


- flour double "0" ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 1 kg

- yeast ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 25g

- Potatoes (2 kg each) ... ... ... ... .... ... 2

- yeast vanillin ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 g

- extra virgin olive oil ... ... ... qb

- sugar ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ...

to taste - pinch of salt

The cicerchiata

The "cicerchiata" has always, in addition to the typical sweet of carnival, of central resource for "struffoli" cousins \u200b\u200bin the south.
It 's a very delicious old that contains sugar, honey, butter, eggs, flour, candied fruits and sometimes more.
But let's order, first the flour with the butter, eggs and sugar is mixed together with a little 'white wine and when everything takes on a thick dough, the dough is cut into thin strips lengthwise, then into strips cross, so as to obtain small berries that will be similar to chickpeas fried in hot oil and then drained thoroughly.

Small spheres obtained will be immersed in a pot and mix quickly where
sugar and honey, by heat, melt caramel to form a compound. The whole is then

given a circular shape with seals ranging from candies candied fruit or, more traditionally, the cake is adorned with slivers of toasted almonds, to the delight of young and old alike.
Ingredients for 5 persons:

- flour ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... Gr. 240

- sugar ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. gr. 20 + 100

- eggs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... No. 2

- Wine ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .1 tablespoon dry white

- honey ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. gr. 100

- extra virgin olive oil

- candied fruit


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