Saturday, March 12, 2011

How Do You Achieve A Light Pink Hair Color?

When the narratives are likely developments incomprehensible ... ... .. open letter to President Vendola

Dear President,

He writes a citizen and a militant party. Italy of Values, and especially of the center. Yes, without a center-dash and no space, because the absence of the hyphen and the space has a value symbolic in so many Italians, and I among them, are loyal. That absence has a very strong political significance because it implies that:

-bipolarity and politics are of alternating sign of political civilization and to bring politics closer to citizens, allowing them a better understanding and a more conscious assessment of political and administrative

-parties of the coalition are willing to give up selfishness aside in favor of a summary of the most advanced. Petty tactics in favor of a long-term strategy;

-parties of the coalition which put North Star of their shared path protection a constitutional right such as work, health, safety, education, equal opportunities, equality in respect of the law. And in times like these and with the government that we are, rather than protection we are obliged to defend to the bitter end;

-the coalition parties have the maturity to represent the above rights to the best minds, the best energies the best evidence whether right or left politics. To waive the right of primogeniture and the right of veto. A call on the citizens, with the primaries, when a civilian comparison between candidates and parties shall not have shared a summary.

Dear President,

many Italians between them and I consider it a standard-bearer of the center without a hyphen, especially because it has focused its battle to defend those rights all now some would have become a privileged few. Why do we always put the face with courage and generosity without fear of challenging the party machinery. Because he wanted and managed to deal with the daily difficulties of the administration of a beautiful southern region showed a long attachment to the origins and effectiveness.

His stories have fascinated many, even outside the perimeter of SEL.

today touches a seemingly difficult choice in cui credo debba farsi guidare dall’istinto, dal cuore,dalla sua storia e dal suo percorso politico, dalle sue narrazioni. Deve scegliere e aiutare i suoi militanti (e tutti i Napoletani) a scegliere tra Luigi de Magistris e il prefetto Mario Morcone .

La città di Napoli, con i suoi tanti problemi e le sue mai abbastanza valorizzate potenzialità, merita una sua valutazione serena dettata dall’amore e dalla coerenza e non certamente condizionata dalla realpolitick.

I Napoletani, popolo passionale e generoso, non meritano che le proprie vicende amministrative e le proprie sorti entrino a far parte di una partita a scacchi tra partiti in that the new tactic seems to prevail over the far-reaching strategy. Development and growth to linger more than enough twists between the Camorra organized crime and perverse, sick economy and administrative mismanagement.

ultimately must choose between two people, two stories without being influenced, in my humble opinion, the political parties that support them and that today the call for electoral support.

seems to me that Luigi de Magistris has incentives, motivations and personal history that it deserves its wholehearted support. Instinctively, but reinforced by conscious reflection. Why is a man without a center-dash, because he fought with his back straight to protect rights described above, because it has not been afraid to stand against the apparatus of political parties (including his own when he saw the need), because for the sake of his land by an act of generosity and wanted to raise this urgent appeal to the many Neapolitans well who are tired of Bassolino but certainly do not want to fall into the hands of Berlusconi and his mentors Campania.

Two more thoughts I would like to submit. To the great communicator that you do observe that Naples and the center now needs a young face, fresh, smiling, hopeful. Naples must return happy, proud and optimistic.

man in the primaries, the man of the people I note that this powerful tool of democracy is often de-legitimized, weakened and manipulated. Often in the name of realpolitik. In Naples, the Democratic Party, an indispensable ally, has organized, carried out, contested and never acknowledged. The PD of Naples, so naïve and so fragmented can claim to Naples right to veto or birthright? And can the national PD claim the right to choose the Mayor of Naples, Naples replacing the PD and ultimately to the Neapolitans? I do not think the Neapolitans will appreciate.

Finally, Mr President, let lose chess, horses, realpolitick, tactics. Take a listen to the heart, instinct, the Neapolitans. Otherwise, its likely evolution incomprehensible narratives ... ... ... ...

Emilio Iannotta


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