I note with deep concern and opposition of the Ordinance adopted by the Council of Ministers on the criteria for the location of nuclear . Above all, leave the determination of interdict entrust the undertakings concerned the choice of sites where implement them. And, not surprisingly, with little transparency and opportunistic behavior, the location of nuclear will be made public only after the regional elections . It 'obvious, like its predecessors teach, that the regions that will be governed by the center will accept, without much distinction, to host nuclear plants and storage sites of radioactive waste. And, given the power to conditioning of the Northern League, is easy to predict who will be the southern to bear the brunt of this unfortunate choice by the government. The Campania regional council of IDV did approve an amendment to the regional capital, which states that the t erritorio of our region is precluded installation of production facilities energy electric nuclear , manufacturing and storage of fuel nuclear and deposits of radioactive materials. But now government has decided to contest this determination (also taken by the Apulia and Basilicata region) before the Constitutional Court. Italy of Values \u200b\u200bbelieves that nuclear technology that will make both obsolete and damaging the health of all citizens. This option, a great majority, has already been repudiated by the 1987 referendum . Therefore we are going to get back on the streets to collect signatures for a new referendum to say no to nuclear , once and for all. For my part, as a candidate to the regional elections, I am committed (having placed one of my priorities, all accessible to the site www.emilioiannotta.it) to fight with all my strength so that in Caserta in Campania installed or nuclear power plants or storage sites for radioactive materials. Our young people, who already have so few reasons to stay in our region, we also deliver a territory and an unhealthy environment and health risk, as if it were not enough toxic waste in the north which led to an exponential increase of cancer in our region. Today we run the risk of writing a distressing mortgage on land and on future generations I think that the other candidates for the Regional Council of Campania should make known to the voters what their thoughts on the subject.
Dr. Emilio Iannotta
Candidate IDV regional elections
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