What are the motives that drove down in a field, moreover, very difficult, especially allied with a line up that right or wrong in Campania is seen as the source of a much political patronage, although De Luca is changing the face at the same Democratic Party? "We have set up, from the collection of signatures for the recall referendum of the Lodo Alfano (later declared unconstitutional) Upper Casertano an organization made up of many young people and many women who have asked me, with conviction and firmness of represent our region in the Regional Council. In truth, exercising for about 25 years as a pediatrician, I am confronted daily with problems of many families that I represent the bitterness (and sometimes anxiety) to see their children who are unemployed, without the right motivation and almost without hope. Here I'm running primarily to give our youth a hope and an opportunity. And to ensure that the best minds in our country can find opportunities to bring forth their professionalism. "
Italy of Values \u200b\u200bis really the panacea for all ills in meaning that a possible center-left government in Campania, the voters will feel secured? "We do not claim this. We can say that our region candidate for governor, as a political force election on the rise, in a coalition that focuses on the alliance PD-IDV. In this coalition brought a dowry, hoping to characterize this effect, our view of policy of service, professionalism, passion and demand for justice. We are not professional politicians or want to become such. But we are ready to take responsibility for a regional government to measure citizen, more simple, efficient and transparent. "
The now certain not applying to regional Vincenzo Cappello and its elected government in the field can somehow create an imbalance in the future the City Council of Glossop, with a regional council failed because no candidate from his party and a regional council elected by his party because they wanted? "I have reiterated on several occasions in civic forum of Glossop, my loyalty to my Mayor Chambers. Vincenzo Cappello, although I had shared some administrative decisions. I too care about the fate of my fellow citizens to create ill-feeling or discord within the team which now administers Glossop. Vincenzo Cappello has asked our fellow citizens in Italy of Values \u200b\u200band Emilio Iannotta support in order to administer our city for five years. This support was received with broad suffrage. At the end of the mandate of the people and parties who supported him will evaluate results and completion of the electoral program at the time submitted to the voters. Finally I have too much respect for these voters to write mortgages on the outcome of competition election. What I can say is that, as usual, will spare no energy in this campaign and I will try to provide our citizens a real hope of being able to represent the Regional Council. Certainly the many certificates of appreciation and encouragement, even outside of IDV, I'm getting loads and give me more enthusiasm. "
What will you do to Piedimonte Matese and more generally for the Upper and Middle Casertano? "Pick a few lines in a program and their feelings, which are the result of a genuine attachment to My territory is a difficult task. We must acknowledge that our communities are depopulated. And they are losing opportunities (I think the failure to take off the Matese Park) and the best professionals. The year 2013, from which the Campania region will no longer receive funding from Europe, is just around the corner. We must be able to combine development and environmental protection. Boosting the economy, jobs and preserve the land. I believe that a regional law, which protects and enhances the small municipalities, is a real priority. Of course I will go so that the demand for health of our citizens will not be further rejected. Health management should be removed from politics: respect and professionalism should go back to being as decisive evidence. Do not watch helpless to hospitals weakened or closed, especially when investing territories, like ours, made up of small communities with difficult road conditions and with a population made up mostly of people get older. But I will not be prolonged: my electoral program is online at www. emilioiannotta.it / . Everyone can read and compare with yours truly on individual issues. "
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