Monday, March 29, 2010

Nadia Komenich Thyroid


Apart from that I still vomit for what they can say
do not know if the bales are worse or the faces that you can do.
(Luciano Ligabue)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Best Sorority Tattoos

chisura campaign event in Glossop

Numerosa, attenta e appassionata partecipazione alla manifestazione di chiusura della campagna Election of Italy of Values \u200b\u200b yesterday at the council hall of Glossop. To introduce the work, Dr. Concetta Riccio, president of the youth of Glossop who recalled youth initiatives in Italy of Values \u200b\u200bon issues such as education, employment, against water privatization. Before the lawyer to intervene. Amanda Rao, of Raviscanina , head of the women of IDV Alto Casertano, who wanted to remember the wonderful participation at the national congress of the party and invited all women to participate in political life with IDV from the next national congress of women of IDV. The student Benedict Licciardi, Teano , deputy coordinator of the youth of IDV Alto Casertano, brought greetings from the provincial election candidate for the college of Dr. Tean. Maurizio Simone and remarked how it was a battle of civilizations, the collection of signatures against the Lodo Alfano, to bring together so many young people and bring them to the party dear to President Antonio Di Pietro. Then intervened and the student writer Elèna Italian, the Dragons, editor of the journal of the parish community of Dragons "Eco del Volturno ", recalling that commitment, witness and sacrifice of so many judges who are opposed to to the extreme organized crime and interweaving it with the perverse part of the policy, he stressed how important it is for Italy the existence and growth of an Italy of Values \u200b\u200bparty that fights with no ifs and buts to save the ' independence of the judiciary. Then it was the turn of Francis Ruzzo, of Pietramelara , president of the youth of IDV Alto Casertano. He has retraced the steps of his effort which saw him always in the forefront of all initiatives, its participation in the national congress where he played an important role in the election of national youth coordinator and stressed the electoral activism young people are fielding and intensified efforts ceiling sparing no energy to support Emilio Iannotta and goodwill. Izzo Assunta, a candidate in the provincial college of Calvi Risorta. So is Dr. intervention. Gianluca Sorrentino, provincial candidate in the College of Glossop, who recalled his civic engagement within the parish community, in partnership Lega Ambiente, the theater company "Freed Venditti" and called for a vote to release the energies and Realising the dream of a more equitable and inclusive. He concluded with a heartfelt greeting to those who were close in the election campaign and his father Gerard, already regret hospital director of Glossop. He ended the event Dr. Emilio Iannotta , candidate in the regional elections, which he remembered as the Italy of Values \u200b\u200bis pressing ahead with a long wide-reaching project for the revival of Alto Casertano moving mainly on the enthusiasm and the hero of many young people and of many women. He also pointed out how all the applications have been the result of a democratic confrontation took place exclusively in the local context that allowed Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin a compact campaign exemplary and that portends a brilliant election results. He then retraced his program, already presented time with public demonstrations and the participation of recognized experts and qualified. He invited to use the network and internet for a critical examination of professional and individual political candidates and finally has made a heartfelt appeal to the territory to vote in favor of profit center, De Luca, of Italy of Values. In the room have their own witness of sharing and support your child's doctor Stephen De Cesare , provincial candidate in the College of Caiazzo, Antonio Riccio , provincial candidate in the College of Anderson and some supporters of Dr.. Alfredo Sassi, a candidate in the College of provincial Roccamonfina.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

When And How Does The Tummy Drop

closing campaign of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin Piedimonte Matese

Tonight at 18.30, in Glossop, and I Gianluca Sorrentino we hold the closing event of the campaign. E 'was certainly an experience both exhilarating and exhausting. Many certificates of appreciation and encouragement I received throughout the province of Caserta. I will never forget the closeness and solidarity of the historic paintings of IDV Terra di Lavoro many pediatricians and family.
But there is no time for thanks. Now we have to be ready for the final sprint . First personally contact as many people as possible and convince the undecided . Remember a tutti quanto sia importante scrivere la preferenza .
Poi partecipare in massa stasera alla nostra manifestazione di chiusura della campagna elettorale .
Con quest'ultimo sforzo sono convinto che raggiungeremo l'obiettivo. Forza ragazzi che la vittoria è alla nostra portata.

Emilio Iannotta

Monday, March 22, 2010

Great Walky Talky Saying's

Letter-Appeal to Emilio Iannotta the citizens of Terra di Lavoro

Miei cari,

ho voluto scrivervi questa lettera in quanto con molti di voi ho condiviso la mia vita e il mio impegno in tutti i campi nei quali mi sono cimentato. Nella professione , innanzitutto, dove ho avuto occasione di assistere tanti bambini, molti dei quali ormai adulti e genitori, e di divenire l’amico fidato ed il consigliere privilegiato di tante famiglie. Nel sociale, nelle associazioni, nello sport, nell'attività sindacale, in politica ci siamo conosciuti e confrontati. Passione civile, rispetto degli altri, lealtà, trasparenza, attaccamento al mio territorio e alla nostra provincia hanno sempre caratterizzato il mio modo di essere e mi vengono riconosciuti anche da coloro with which I have shared the same ideas. C redo, in fact, that the loyal and transparent is indispensable for a true democracy.

Citizens should be informed, sensitized and encouraged to participate in public affairs and policy debates not only during the election campaign when they are strongly encouraged to express consensus, often with little grace and with ill-concealed attempts to influence. Maybe I was somehow interfering with someone subscribing to a group to which I have often sent mail. Certainly, though, for years, I keep my contacts are constantly updated of the activities and programs my party, Italy of Values, and my person.

Free your vote is my slogan because they are convinced that in order to share our region it is necessary that the voters do not conditioned by forcing and performances by deployment of enormous resources. The use of these resources during the election campaign, as well as overflowing the posting of posters, is deeply offensive to the community such as ours, made by citizens and often with serious economic difficulties daily. Instead it is appropriate that the citizens themselves up as judges of the political and professional history of parties and candidates, for their actions, their consistency and performance products.

consider Internet and Network irreplaceable instruments of democracy horizontal. Therefore they should be free and accessible to all. Bring internet in all homes, even in small mountain villages and homes of low-income, is an opportunity and a hope for our young people so that they can compete on an equal footing with their peers and with globalization. I have always been committed, like the Italy of Values \u200b\u200bparty of which I have the honor to represent, defend bloggers and freedom of expression. parties and individuals who wish to stifle the network knows that he is unable to compare it because they have a political past with little coherence and little transparency . The network, social networks and the Internet are tools of democracy and formidable communication which are not allowed misrepresentations and omissions. Are immediately to the surface and is instantly put to shame. For me my previous political and professional network and are accessible to all : emilio Iannotta just type in any search engine and you will be aware of all of my past.

Today facebook you keep in touch with ease and efficiency. I like to keep informed on the activities of my patients and, in particular, all those guys that I have witnessed over the years and I've seen grow. I like to inform you all that I carry out daily activities. Ask the friend on facebook, we'll keep in touch and we will help each other.

I am convinced of best practice in the world. To pediatrician , I've always wanted and where I could not do without. family must once again become the core of society and should be a priority for the new regional government. Institutions must provide practical support and help to shape it around a model of society that is more sober, less consumerist and more cohesive. Some ideas for which I will fight in the Regional Council: splitting income, tax deductions, child care and aids for mothers who work, recreation and sporting facilities for children, counseling for parents and couples in crisis. In truth, exercising for about 25 years as a pediatrician, I am confronted daily with the problems of many families.

Today parenthood entails many difficulties and great responsibilities: identity, communication with loved ones and economic. Many parents I represent the bitterness (and sometimes anxiety) to see their children who are unemployed, without the right motivation and almost without hope. Here I'm running primarily to give our youth a hope and an opportunity . And to ensure that the best minds can find opportunities in their territory in order to bring forth the skills acquired.

Reflection: a good parent to be heard must first give a good example of the candidate that wants to be a supporter of family must have a settled, peaceful and united behind . For my part I know what they have done for me and my parents Immaculate Mario, my sisters Margaret and Paul, my brother Maurice. As I'm sure that my family comes first bella che ho costruito, con l’aiuto del Signore: mi da soddisfazioni tutti i giorni e più di ogni cosa mi sta a cuore.

Oggi chiedo il vostro voto ed il vostro sostegno . Ho la consapevolezza di poter essere eletto e rappresentare voi tutti e la nostra provincia in Consiglio Regionale. Ho realmente questa possibilità essendo candidato con un partito, l’Italia dei Valori, abbastanza grande da superare certamente lo sbarramento regionale ma per il quale non sono necessarie, come per i partiti più grandi (PDL e Partito Democratico) a very large number of preferences.

Ultimately I ask a useful vote for our province and our children for what I , remembering that it is essential write preference (Iannotti enough) and you can ask me to vote for all citizens with whom you have relationships (relatives, friends, colleagues) who live in one of 104 municipalities in the Caserta . If you believe you can withdraw my election material to the committee who is based in Glossop, in Piazza Carmine, Leonetti above the bakery. Before going to the Committee to contact my brother Maurizio number 338 1957095.

For I leave my contacts

tel: 329 4208124

mail: ;

website: ; http://idvaltocasertano. /

facebook: http://www.facebook. com / profile.php? ref = profile & id = 1497429347


Emilio Iannotta

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bubble Words Happy Birthday

The Family: the core of society and priority of my political commitment

The family must once again become the core of society and should be a priority for the new regional government. The institutions must provide practical support and help to shape it around a model of society more sober, less consumerist and more cohesive. Some ideas for which I will fight in the Regional Council: splitting income, tax deductions, child care and aids for working mothers, facilities for recreational and sporting activities of their children, counseling for parents and couples in crisis . In truth, exercising for about 25 years as a pediatrician, I confronted daily with problems of many families . Today being a parent involves great responsibility and many difficulties: identity, communication with loved ones and economic. Tanti genitori mi rappresentano l’amarezza (talora l’angoscia) di vedere i propri figli disoccupati, senza le giuste motivazioni e quasi senza speranza. Ecco mi sono candidato soprattutto per dare ai nostri giovani una speranza ed una opportunità . E per fare in modo che le migliori intelligenze possano trovare nel nostro territorio occasioni per poter estrinsecare la propria professionalità. Una riflessione: un buon genitore per essere ascoltato deve innanzitutto dare un buon esempio; alla pari un candidato che si propone come sostenitore dell’istituto famiglia deve averne una consolidata, serena ed unita alle spalle. Per parte mia so bene che la mia famiglia è la cosa più bella che ho costruito, che mi da soddisfazioni every day and that more than anything is close to my heart.

Emilio Iannotta

Candidate IDV regional elections

Friday, March 19, 2010

Women Talking About Girdles

"La strada" fino a domenica 21 March at the Teatro della Pergola

On stage at the Teatro della Pergola in Florence, the stage adaptation of Fellini's masterpiece. The play, while respecting the plot and the film's dialogue, invent something new to play perfectly. The story, of which they are protagonists and Massimo Venuriello Tosca, moved it in a poetic dimension that goes beyond the realm of the realistic film thanks to a series of unreleased songs sung and a musical score created for the occasion that turns the story in a fairytale unreal, abstract, visionary.

- Di Tullio Pinelli and Bernardino Zapponi, directed by Massimo Venturiello with Massimo Venturiello, Tosca, Chiara Di Bari, Dario Pebble.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Is Gretchen Rossi Pregnant

Hospital Glossop: a resource that deserves attention

I had yesterday at confront many colleagues Hospital Glossop. for the communities of Alto Casertano Matese and the hospital has always been an essential reference for many reasons. To be the structure that we all have given and will continue to entrust our expectations of health first. But in it found many citizens work and training. It 'was finally the place for discussion and policy development. I found talking with managers, primary nurses lot of professionalism and at the same time, a lot of bitterness . Bitterness about the difficulty in ensuring timely and effective performance having to deal daily with staff shortages and delays in the provision of electrical supplies and equipment to move with the times and the progress of medicine. I checked with a hand like it was a great sense of responsibility and sacrifice of our colleagues, from the medical director dott. Alessandro Accinni e dai dirigenti dei reparti e dei servizi, a tenere in piedi e funzionante il nostro ospedale. Nonostante che i colleghi e il personale siano costretti a turni massacranti, a straordinari e reperibilità difficilmente sostenibili e spesso neanche retribuiti . I partiti e il nuovo Consiglio Regionale devono risposte serie, nette e tempestive agli operatori della sanità pubblica e ai cittadini . Si avverte forte l’esigenza di una forte discontinuità rispetto al passato . Il merito, la professionalità devono tornare ad essere elementi determinanti nella assegnazione delle responsabilità. Non è tollerabile che i partiti e i politici continuino ad usare la sanità per costruire consenso elettorale e per privilegiare, a dispetto della professionalità, i propri amici. La salute è una cosa seria e le risorse disponibili per la sanità (ricordiamo che la sanità campana è commissariata per disavanzo di bilancio) vanno messe nelle mani giuste, di tecnici di comprovata esperienza . Né il processo di razionalizzazione delle risorse può avvenire senza tener conto delle esigenze di salute e dei progressi della medicina, che solo i medici e non certo i politicians can understand and certify. We have in our hospital fine professionals who just need to be put on a par with colleagues to whom they are addressed, often outside the region, many of our fellow citizens. rationalization can not and should not be made on the skin of people and doctors . However, there are cost centers, conflicts of interest, duplication, privileges must be identified and deleted. From doctor and candidate for the Regional Council, having the confidence to likely be elected and represent my territory, I pledge to do so and I trust that the new Governor Hon Vincent De Luca , che sul tema ha già espresso parole forti e nette, sarà l’artefice principale di tale svolta.

Dott. Emilio Iannotta

Candidato Consiglio Regionale

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Maria From Aunt Judys

Letter Emilio Iannotta citizens

Cari cittadini casertani,

è il momento di reagire. L'Italia, dal 5 marzo 2010, non è più una democrazia parlamentare.

The Berlusconi government has changed the electoral law with a law to promote the PDL, his party, the upcoming regional elections of 28 and 29 March 2010. The PDL has been excluded for serious irregularities in the electoral college in Rome, where he had deposited the signatures within the time fixed by law.

On 5 March 2010, the Council of Ministers, chaired by Premier Silvio Berlusconi, has issued a decree has changed the electoral law and violated the Constitution , replacing the judicial bodies, just to say the PDL in the elections. The President of the Republic signed Decree e, secondo alcune fonti, questo sarebbe avvenuto sotto forti pressioni di Berlusconi il quale avrebbe minacciato di ricorrere alla piazza. Ma il Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale del Lazio ha confermato l’esclusione della lista Pdl per le gravi irregolarità nella presentazione della documentazione e perché la Regione Lazio ha proprie disposizioni in tema elettorale. Pertanto, come era facilmente prevedibile, la legge nazionale non ha competenze nel merito.

Nessun governo in nessuna democrazia può cambiare le regole elettorali durante il periodo elettorale. Nessun governo in nessuna democrazia può “interpretare” le leggi al posto della magistratura. Invece, questo è ciò che è avvenuto in Italia.

Un Paese nel quale i media televisivi pubblici e privati sono sotto il totale controllo del presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi.

E dove il Parlamento, invece di occuparsi della crisi economica, del debito pubblico, delle fasce sociali piu' deboli, del prosciugamento della cassa integrazione, delle imprese che non ottengono credito dalle banche salvate dallo Stato, della giustizia sotto assedio, della corruzione dilagante negli appalti pubblici, delle energie rinnovabili vota, con l’ennesima fiducia, un altra legge ad personam, il legittimo impedimento, al solo fine di assicurare impunity that the prime minister has denied that the Constitutional Court declaring unconstitutional the Lodo Alfano.

E 'and need no longer be postponed for a general mobilization. A strong signal to discredit a government that every day our country and our institutions. Therefore, I urge all citizens to participate in the event of Saturday, March 13 in Rome, at 14.00 in Piazza del Popolo.

Emilio Iannotta

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Funny Message For A New Baby

In memory of Dr. Caserta. Fernando Iannelli, Mayor of Anderson

I was shocked and heartbroken when I have communicated the death of his friend Fernando. I have bounced back to mente, dolorosamente, gli anni del liceo. Tante le vicende, tanti gli episodi che abbiamo allora condiviso e che avevano fatto nascere un sentimento profondo di amicizia mai scalfito dal tempo né dall’essere impegnati politicamente in schieramenti contrapposti.

La sua prematura scomparsa è una grave perdita per i suoi cari, per i cittadini alifani che l’avevano eletto da poco primo cittadino, per i suoi pazienti che si sono avvalsi della sua dedizione, per tutti noi che l’abbiamo conosciuto e apprezzato. Abbiamo perso un faro, un riferimento certo, che, in ogni ambito ed in ogni occasione, ha saputo farsi apprezzare per umanità, dirittura morale, professionalità, attaccamento profondo alla famiglia, al lavoro, ai propria comunità.

A sua moglie e a sua figlia, autentici scopi della sua vita, a tutti i suoi familiari, a tutti i cittadini alifani, va il mio pensiero e la mia solidarietà. Il suo ricordo ed il suo esempio saranno per sempre nel mio cuore e costituiranno per tutti noi una guida sicura.

Emilio Iannotta

Sunday, March 7, 2010

5 Month Old Cough Sleep

March 8: International day of struggle for women's rights

Care donne della provincia di Caserta,
oggi celebrate your party. It may be a chance to get together and celebrate. I think it is at least equally important, to remember the ethical and political significance 8 March. In the winter of 1908, New York, the Cotton Textile Industry Workers went on strike demanding better working conditions. The strike lasted several days, until March 8, the owner Mr. Johnson, blocked all the ports the workshop and the imprisoned strikers at the factory which was set on fire. The 129 workers died, burned by the flames . Rosa Luxemburg was to propose, in remembrance of the tragedy, la data dell' 8 marzo come giornata di lotta internazionale per i diritti delle donne . Conosco personalmente e apprezzo tante di voi per aver condiviso i vostri problemi, talora le vostre angosce. Per aver, insieme a voi, cercato di assicurare ai vostri figli non solo il benessere fisico ma anche il rispetto della propria dignità, quale cittadini di una comunità. Conosco come tante di voi sanno amministrare una casa ed una famiglia. Come talvolta suppliscono a mariti poco presenti. Credo che sia giusto e doveroso che voi usciate dal riserbo dei vostri nuclei familiari e scendiate in campo. Nel lavoro, nel sindacato, nelle associazioni, in politica. In questa campagna elettorale, dove spero che siate in tante al mio fianco.
Mi piace ricordare le affermazioni del Presidente Emerito della Repubblica Carlo Azeglio Ciampi: “la scarsa rappresentanza delle donne nella vita politica e' quasi imbarazzante: occorre aumentare la loro presenza in questo campo come nel mondo del lavoro”.
E' il momento di scendere in campo, perchè oggi a rischio è la democrazia e il futuro dei nostri figli.

Emilio Iannotta

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Words For Forgiveness Acrostic Poem

internet and network: tools of democracy and freedom

I believe in fair and transparent comparison. Citizens should be informed, sensitized and encouraged to participate in public affairs and policy debates, not only in election campaign, when they are strongly urged to express a consensus, often with little grace and with ill-concealed attempts to influence.

Free your vote is my slogan because I am convinced that in order to divide our territory must that voters do not conditioned by forcing and performances by deployment of enormous resources. The use of these resources during the election campaign, as well as overflowing the posting of posters, is deeply offensive to the community such as ours, made by citizens and often with serious economic difficulties daily.

Instead it is appropriate that the citizens themselves up as judges of political and professional history of parties and candidates, for their actions, their consistency and performance products.

consider INTERNET and NETWORK irreplaceable instruments of democracy horizontal. Therefore they should be free and accessible to all. Bring internet in all homes, even in small mountain villages, is an opportunity and a hope for our young people so that they can compete on an equal footing with their peers and with globalization.

have always been committed, like the Italy of Values \u200b\u200bparty of which I am honored to represent, to defend bloggers and freedom of expression . The parties and persons who wish to stifle the network know that it can not compare to it because they have a political past with little coherence and little transparency. The network, social networks and the Internet are tools of democracy and communication where there are formidable admitted misrepresentations and omissions. Are immediately to the surface and is instantly put to shame.

Today I ask you with peace of mind and intellectual honesty to vote and support for the networked world, to 3,000 friends for several years receive my mail upgrade to my friends face book 4400 ( ) to 540 supporters of my candidate page regional classes ( 20iannotta & init = quick ), visitors to our blog Alto Casertano ( 11,000 visits in a few months). Because they know everything about me, my commitment, my consistency, my honesty .

Emilio Iannotta

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pokemon Soul Silver For Cydia

Mr Di Pietro

Yesterday the presentation of the candidates in Italy of Values \u200b\u200bfor the provincial elections and the regional President Di Pietro reiterated the reasons that led Italy of Values \u200b\u200bto converge on 's application Mr De Luca, proposed by the Democratic Party as candidate for President of the Campania region for the center-left coalition. It was a difficult choice, but gained a sense of responsibility towards the people of Campania, in the hope that Lucas knows how to field in the region that same energy and the same project that led Salerno to be the best managed city in southern Italy. President Di Pietro presented candidates in regional elections, did not fail to point out that he personally sifted all the applications, some with a history rooted in the party, like that of Dr. . Emilio Iannotta , former provincial secretary and founder of Caserta in Italy of Values, others the result of opening up to civil society and the professional world.

He smiled, indeed, the attempt of some candidate sterile, not having completed a course in human and political values \u200b\u200bof Italy tries to apply for accreditation, with TV and press in tow, as the candidate of President Antonio Di Pietro. The votes of the members and leaders of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bmust be fought with daily work in the field, demonstrating consistency and fairness policy, establishing human relationships and political issues that can not be improvised in the election campaign.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Suffix Braid Vs Power Pro Braid

Dr. Caserta. Iannotta Emilio, presented by President Antonio Di Pietro in Caserta, meets in the evening the family paediatricians in the province

Today Dr. Iannotta Emilio , candidate of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin the Campania Regional Council, will be presented, together with the other candidates, the President Mr Antonio Di Pietro in Caserta , at 16, at the San Antonio community center. There will also Hon. Joseph Stellato , candidate of the center for the presidency of the province of Caserta.

The historical basis of the party that appreciates the continued commitment, selfless and consistent commitment to rooting and growth of Italy by Dr. values. Iannotta, former provincial secretary and now head of the elected provincial, it is tightening around the pediatrician Glossop, assuring broad support across the province of Caserta.

Following Dr. Iannotta meet with family paediatricians in the province of Caserta, since he engaged in trade union as a member of the Provincial Steering e delegato presso il comitato aziendale. L’incontro verterà in particolare sui temi della sanità. A tal riguardo afferma il dott. Iannotta: “ il nuovo Consiglio Regionale dovrà dedicare una attenzione particolare all’infanzia, al disagio giovanile e alle nuove devianze. Oggi i giovani vanno perdendo i riferimenti tradizionali, a partire dalla famiglia e dagli oratori, e sono troppo spesso attratti, divenendone vittime inconsapevoli, da messaggi pubblicitari e da modelli di riferimento volti unicamente ad alimentare il consumismo più sfrenato. La sanità per la quale mi batterò in Consiglio regionale dovrà premiare il merito e la competenza, liberarsi dai condizionamenti della partitocrazia, able to listen to the territories and instances of health which too often have been, even recently, disregarded. "

Monday, March 1, 2010

Is Manulife A Good Investment

President Antonio Di Pietro in Caserta

Thursday, March 4, 2010, at 15:30, at the "Centro Sociale S. Antonio " in via S. Antonio (Corso trav. Giannone) Caserta, the National President on. Antonio Di Pietro goodbye to friends, members and supporters of IDV Caserta and meet all the friends of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bthat are candidates for local elections, provincial elections and regional elections on 28th and 29th of March 2010.

All lists of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bwere accepted and formalized without reservation by the field offices.

Emilio Iannotta