Numerosa, attenta e appassionata partecipazione alla manifestazione di chiusura della campagna Election of Italy of Values \u200b\u200b yesterday at the council hall of Glossop. To introduce the work, Dr. Concetta Riccio, president of the youth of Glossop who recalled youth initiatives in Italy of Values \u200b\u200bon issues such as education, employment, against water privatization. Before the lawyer to intervene. Amanda Rao, of Raviscanina , head of the women of IDV Alto Casertano, who wanted to remember the wonderful participation at the national congress of the party and invited all women to participate in political life with IDV from the next national congress of women of IDV. The student Benedict Licciardi, Teano , deputy coordinator of the youth of IDV Alto Casertano, brought greetings from the provincial election candidate for the college of Dr. Tean. Maurizio Simone and remarked how it was a battle of civilizations, the collection of signatures against the Lodo Alfano, to bring together so many young people and bring them to the party dear to President Antonio Di Pietro. Then intervened and the student writer Elèna Italian, the Dragons, editor of the journal of the parish community of Dragons "Eco del Volturno ", recalling that commitment, witness and sacrifice of so many judges who are opposed to to the extreme organized crime and interweaving it with the perverse part of the policy, he stressed how important it is for Italy the existence and growth of an Italy of Values \u200b\u200bparty that fights with no ifs and buts to save the ' independence of the judiciary. Then it was the turn of Francis Ruzzo, of Pietramelara , president of the youth of IDV Alto Casertano. He has retraced the steps of his effort which saw him always in the forefront of all initiatives, its participation in the national congress where he played an important role in the election of national youth coordinator and stressed the electoral activism young people are fielding and intensified efforts ceiling sparing no energy to support Emilio Iannotta and goodwill. Izzo Assunta, a candidate in the provincial college of Calvi Risorta. So is Dr. intervention. Gianluca Sorrentino, provincial candidate in the College of Glossop, who recalled his civic engagement within the parish community, in partnership Lega Ambiente, the theater company "Freed Venditti" and called for a vote to release the energies and Realising the dream of a more equitable and inclusive. He concluded with a heartfelt greeting to those who were close in the election campaign and his father Gerard, already regret hospital director of Glossop. He ended the event Dr. Emilio Iannotta , candidate in the regional elections, which he remembered as the Italy of Values \u200b\u200bis pressing ahead with a long wide-reaching project for the revival of Alto Casertano moving mainly on the enthusiasm and the hero of many young people and of many women. He also pointed out how all the applications have been the result of a democratic confrontation took place exclusively in the local context that allowed Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin a compact campaign exemplary and that portends a brilliant election results. He then retraced his program, already presented time with public demonstrations and the participation of recognized experts and qualified. He invited to use the network and internet for a critical examination of professional and individual political candidates and finally has made a heartfelt appeal to the territory to vote in favor of profit center, De Luca, of Italy of Values. In the room have their own witness of sharing and support your child's doctor Stephen De Cesare , provincial candidate in the College of Caiazzo, Antonio Riccio , provincial candidate in the College of Anderson and some supporters of Dr.. Alfredo Sassi, a candidate in the College of provincial Roccamonfina.
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