Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pokemon Soul Silver For Cydia

Mr Di Pietro

Yesterday the presentation of the candidates in Italy of Values \u200b\u200bfor the provincial elections and the regional President Di Pietro reiterated the reasons that led Italy of Values \u200b\u200bto converge on 's application Mr De Luca, proposed by the Democratic Party as candidate for President of the Campania region for the center-left coalition. It was a difficult choice, but gained a sense of responsibility towards the people of Campania, in the hope that Lucas knows how to field in the region that same energy and the same project that led Salerno to be the best managed city in southern Italy. President Di Pietro presented candidates in regional elections, did not fail to point out that he personally sifted all the applications, some with a history rooted in the party, like that of Dr. . Emilio Iannotta , former provincial secretary and founder of Caserta in Italy of Values, others the result of opening up to civil society and the professional world.

He smiled, indeed, the attempt of some candidate sterile, not having completed a course in human and political values \u200b\u200bof Italy tries to apply for accreditation, with TV and press in tow, as the candidate of President Antonio Di Pietro. The votes of the members and leaders of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bmust be fought with daily work in the field, demonstrating consistency and fairness policy, establishing human relationships and political issues that can not be improvised in the election campaign.


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