Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lots Of Mucus Discharge Period 2 Weeks Late

open letter to the citizens of Emilio Iannotta Alto Casertano and the province of Caserta

Dear all,

know how long ago 'm running in regional elections with Italy of Values \u200b\u200b .

Candidacy I was urged by the Coordination of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bAlto Casertano, ratified (without hesitation and with obvious satisfaction) by the National President Antonio Di Pietro , accolta favorevolmente dai nostri europarlamentari eletti alle ultime consultazioni europee: l'On. Vincenzo Iovine , di Francolise e l'On. Luigi de Magistris di Napoli.

A tutti loro devo un doveroso ringraziamento.

Ovviamente il lavoro che da tempo ci vede condividere ideali, impegni, progetti con tanti amici dell'Alto Casertano ha fatto si che io abbia coordinato delle democratiche e partecipate riunioni di collegio per individuare gli amici da proporre per le elezioni provinciali nel nostro comprensorio. Dopo qualche difficoltà e qualche dolorosa rinuncia (vedi il caso dell'amico prof. Marco Fusco, che ha dovuto fare un passo indietro per motivazioni personali e non certamente politiche) abbiamo inseme individuato i nostri candidati che vi presento di seguito:

per il collegio di Piedimonte Matese l'amico Gianluca Sorrentino , di Piedimonte Matese laureato in biologia, informatore farmaceutico (0823 911156 348 1502859 ) ;
for the college of his friend Antonio Riccio Alife , Pratella, geometry and electronic valuer, a municipal employee Venafro (329 1935571 vito.riccio @ virgilio. it ) ;
for the College of Caiazzo's friend Stephen De Cesare of Caiazzo, a graduate in medicine and pediatric specialist, who pursues a profession of my own family pediatrician ( 360 574225 )
for the College of Tean, a friend Maurizio Simone , of \u200b\u200bTean, a graduate in medicine and a specialist in geriatrics, specialist outpatient (348 6416366 0823 875100 )
for the college of his friend Alfredo Roccamonfina Sassi , Roccamonfina, a graduate in economics, chartered accountant and auditor (3357021433 ).

Another exception is conducted for the college Provincial Sparanise, where he is a candidate in provincial elections Izzo's friend Assunta , Risorta of Calvi, the law graduate and lawyer profession, proposed by MEP Mr Vincenzo Iovine. To our great pleasure to her friend Assunta is fully integrated with our coordination Alto Casertano, establishing our membership of the common Pietramelara, Riardo Roccaromana and a successful working relationship (0823651038 3200885976 3208626670 s ; )

For them, for the Assumption, Alfredo, Maureen, Stephen, Anthony and Gianluca, I ask you a strong support. Call them without fear of direct contact and ask them to send you their election material.

Let me say that we are a really good team . A compact team, determined, composed of people always available to their fellow citizens and do not form a profession of politics. Indeed they have already attained, without asking anything in politics, considerable professional goals. Today we put our professionalism and our passion to the civil service of our fellow citizens and our territory.

Allow me finally to ask your permission for my person to the regional elections. Thanks to the beautiful and strong team we've fielded in provincial elections;
thanks to the work we are conducting for some time in the territory, which has highlighted the desire to be there and support of many women and many young people;
due to the fact that many friends from Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin the province of Caserta are close to my person and my job because I recognize a path political decade, always with IDV, consistent and unselfish;
thanks to the estimate that over time I have been able to earn by many doctors and many colleagues pediatricians (family paediatricians are union, provincial executive director and corporate);
Today, I am really hoping to be elected regional councilor.

I put this in your hands real possibility and I invite you to signal your willingness to work together to create this piece that can make me reach that decisive victory which I hope you may consider your victory. I remind you that I can be voted in tutti i 104 comuni della provincia di Caserta e che è determinante l'indicazione della preferenza .

Emilio Iannotta

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chudi Designs Of 2011


not me I was never asked.
Today I found out the exact time of my birth. HOURS AND MINUTES
seventeen twenty.
Tonight I'll think.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Champanged Themed Bridal Shower

submission of applications Emilio Iannotta and Mark Fusco

Un pubblico numeroso e motivato era presente giovedì 18 febbraio a Piedimonte Matese alla manifestazione di apertura della campagna elettorale di Italia dei Valori, che ha visto la partecipazione dell’ On. Vincenzo Iovine , eurodeputato nativo di Francolise.

Temi centrali of the speakers' work, employment and the enhancement of human and natural resources of the territory .

to present and moderate the event Dr. Gianluca Sorrentino , new national president of the club Italy of Values.

prof. Antonio Malorni, director of the CNR, Avellino, called the maximum mobilization on behalf of the candidate expression of the territory, the only ones who know and really have at heart the everyday problems of their fellow citizens. Known for its stress to young people to spare no effort into their training mirandola to those sectors that are strategic for the development of the territory.

Professor. Mark Fusco , promoter and president of the PFL Ruralia Eda of Glossop, proposed by Italy of Values \u200b\u200bfor the provincial elections, explained the reasons for its accession to Italy of Values \u200b\u200band acceptance of the nomination. In particular, gained the conviction to bring an institutional point of reference for many young people he has helped shape and which have not yet had the appropriate policy responses to their ambition of job placement and entrepreneurship.

Professor. Luigi Passariello , provincial coordinator, showed appreciation for the work done by local leaders and highlighted the spirit of cohesion and IDV initiative that has put at the disposal of a coalition candidate for the provincial elections from the world of voluntary, in the person of Dr.. John Piccirillo , president of the Red Cross estimated Caserta.

Dr. . Emilio Iannotta , candidate in the regional elections, has shown the path and the motivations that led him to accept the candidacy that was prompted by the coordination IDV Alto Casertano. But what is primarily the result of a generous willingness to parents who represent the bitterness of the day (and sometimes anxiety) to see their children who are unemployed, without the right motivation and almost without hope. He also called for a strong mobilization in favor of the candidate president Vincenzo De Luca , proposed by the Democratic Party and on which there was convergence of IDV after a painful but responsible reflection. Discussion and support they have understood all the qualities of administrative Vincenzo De Luca, la condivisione programmatica- a partire dai no convinti al nucleare, alla privatizzazione dell’acqua e all’invadenza dei partiti nella sanità- e gli impegni assunti nei confronti di IDV al recente congresso nazionale in merito al rispetto dell’autonomia della Magistratura e del controllo di legalità sulle pubbliche amministrazioni.

Ha concluso i lavori l’ On. Vincenzo Iovine , eurodeputato, membro delle commissioni occupazione e affari sociali, agricoltura e sviluppo rurale e della commissione speciale sulla crisi finanziaria, economica e sociale. Egli ha illustrato and approve the amendments made to support micro-enterprise and agricultural product of powers conferred on him extensively in the economic field and that earned him the award as a rapporteur for the budget for the ELDR Group (European Liberal Democratic Reform Party) and Representation of the European Parliament at the UN to report on the economic crisis. He put his skills, his experience and his role as a component in high-profile commissions and commitment to serving the community and government of the province of Caserta and in particular the High Casertano, land whose son is living and St. Andrew's Pizzone and spending part of their holidays in Letino. Finally, he urged those present not to spare any energy in supporting local candidates.

IDV Alto Casertano

Watch Vietnamese Movies 2010

interview Caiazzo born in Italy Emilio Iannotta

interview with the Public Caiazzorinasce ( http: / / ) information portal Alto Casertano certainly among the most visited network in our territory.

What are the motives that drove down in a field, moreover, very difficult, especially allied with a line up that right or wrong in Campania is seen as the source of a much political patronage, although De Luca is changing the face at the same Democratic Party? "We have set up, from the collection of signatures for the recall referendum of the Lodo Alfano (later declared unconstitutional) Upper Casertano an organization made up of many young people and many women who have asked me, with conviction and firmness of represent our region in the Regional Council. In truth, exercising for about 25 years as a pediatrician, I am confronted daily with problems of many families that I represent the bitterness (and sometimes anxiety) to see their children who are unemployed, without the right motivation and almost without hope. Here I'm running primarily to give our youth a hope and an opportunity. And to ensure that the best minds in our country can find opportunities to bring forth their professionalism. "

Italy of Values \u200b\u200bis really the panacea for all ills in meaning that a possible center-left government in Campania, the voters will feel secured? "We do not claim this. We can say that our region candidate for governor, as a political force election on the rise, in a coalition that focuses on the alliance PD-IDV. In this coalition brought a dowry, hoping to characterize this effect, our view of policy of service, professionalism, passion and demand for justice. We are not professional politicians or want to become such. But we are ready to take responsibility for a regional government to measure citizen, more simple, efficient and transparent. "

The now certain not applying to regional Vincenzo Cappello and its elected government in the field can somehow create an imbalance in the future the City Council of Glossop, with a regional council failed because no candidate from his party and a regional council elected by his party because they wanted? "I have reiterated on several occasions in civic forum of Glossop, my loyalty to my Mayor Chambers. Vincenzo Cappello, although I had shared some administrative decisions. I too care about the fate of my fellow citizens to create ill-feeling or discord within the team which now administers Glossop. Vincenzo Cappello has asked our fellow citizens in Italy of Values \u200b\u200band Emilio Iannotta support in order to administer our city for five years. This support was received with broad suffrage. At the end of the mandate of the people and parties who supported him will evaluate results and completion of the electoral program at the time submitted to the voters. Finally I have too much respect for these voters to write mortgages on the outcome of competition election. What I can say is that, as usual, will spare no energy in this campaign and I will try to provide our citizens a real hope of being able to represent the Regional Council. Certainly the many certificates of appreciation and encouragement, even outside of IDV, I'm getting loads and give me more enthusiasm. "

What will you do to Piedimonte Matese and more generally for the Upper and Middle Casertano? "Pick a few lines in a program and their feelings, which are the result of a genuine attachment to My territory is a difficult task. We must acknowledge that our communities are depopulated. And they are losing opportunities (I think the failure to take off the Matese Park) and the best professionals. The year 2013, from which the Campania region will no longer receive funding from Europe, is just around the corner. We must be able to combine development and environmental protection. Boosting the economy, jobs and preserve the land. I believe that a regional law, which protects and enhances the small municipalities, is a real priority. Of course I will go so that the demand for health of our citizens will not be further rejected. Health management should be removed from politics: respect and professionalism should go back to being as decisive evidence. Do not watch helpless to hospitals weakened or closed, especially when investing territories, like ours, made up of small communities with difficult road conditions and with a population made up mostly of people get older. But I will not be prolonged: my electoral program is online at www. / . Everyone can read and compare with yours truly on individual issues. "

Chiuda Lei questa chiacchierata...
"Innanzitutto un ringraziamento a voi di Caiazzo Rinasce che mi consentite di esternare il mio pensiero. Ai cittadini delle nostre comunità un appello: al momento del voto fate una riflessione col cuore e col cervello. A prescindere dal partito in cui vi riconoscete votate una persona del vostro territorio, che conoscete personalmente e di cui sapete che vi potete fidare.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Comments Between Wife Breast Feeding Husband

values \u200b\u200bto the provincial and regional elections

Giovedì 18 febbraio prende avvio ufficialmente la campagna elettorale di Italia dei Valori nell'Alto Casertano. A Piedimonte Matese, presso la sala consiliare, a partire dalle ore 17 , l'IDV, che ha deciso nel recente congresso di convergere sulla candidatura di Vincenzo De Luca per la presidenza della regione Campania ed ha confermato il Presidente Antonio Di Pietro alla propria guida, affronterà tematiche centrali del proprio programma per le elezioni del 28 e 29 marzo 2010 . In particolare saranno affrontate dai relatori i temi della ricerca e dell' università , del lavoro e dell' occupazione . Interverranno: il prof. Antonio Malorni i, a native of Raviscanina and former director of the CNR, Avellino, prof. Mark Fusco, a candidate in provincial elections for the College of Glossop, a promoter of rural projects, Chairman of the EDA and former chairman of the board of the mountain community of Matese; Dr. Emilio Iannotta , head of the elected provincial of Italy of Values \u200b\u200band a candidate to the regional elections, the prof. Luigi Passariello, provincial coordinator IDV. End the ' Vincenzo Iovine MEP, a member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, Agriculture and Rural Development and the Special Committee on the financial crisis, economic and social development. Title: "Employment Matese: how to value the land and create new jobs .

IDV Alto Casertano

Saturday, February 13, 2010

When To Apply For Tdi

Professor. Mark Fusco provincial election candidate IDV College of Glossop

It took place Saturday, February 13, 2010, at the headquarters of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bof Glossop, the assembly of members and supporters of the provincial college Piedimonte Matese . It was attended by representatives of the Party of President Antonio Di Pietro di Piedimonte Matese (from the president of the Dr. basis. Gianluca Sorrentino), San Potito Sannitico, Joy Sannitica, San Gregorio Matese (represented by the president of Peter De Lellis basic) and Valle Agricola. Also present was Dr. candidate in the regional elections. Emilio Iannotta , whose candidacy, given by the coordination IDV Alto Casertano, was well received by President Antonio Di Pietro who thus wanted to recognize the territory of the middle and matesino volturno an application expression of an area where the party has ever achieved brilliant election results. After extensive discussion of the conference events, which saw Italy of Values \u200b\u200b converge on the candidature of Hon. Vincenzo de Luca as President of the Campania region, the Assembly opened a democratic and free debate on provincial elections, aimed at identification of a candidate in all the areas where the college could recognize and support. After thoughtful discussions was unanimously acknowledged the proposal of the president of the basis of Dr Glossop. Gianluca Sorrentino identified in prof. Mark Fusco Italy's candidate values \u200b\u200bfor the next provincial election. Professor. Mark Fusco, President of the Board of the Community Montana del Matese , promoter of the local rural education alliance and Chairman of the EDA Glossop, has accepted the application, which sarà subito sottoposta al coordinamento provinciale per la ratifica definitiva, come atto di responsabilità nei confronti del territorio e dei tanti giovani che egli ha contribuito a formare e che non hanno trovato finora adeguate risposte dalla politica alle loro volontà di estrinsecare in loco la professionalità acquisita. L’assemblea ha deliberato infine di promuovere a Piedimonte Matese un convegno pubblico di presentazione delle candidature territoriali incentrato sulle tematiche del lavoro e dell’occupazione.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

How Long It Take For Syphillis Test Result

are strongly opposed to nuclear power plants!

I note with deep concern and opposition of the Ordinance adopted by the Council of Ministers on the criteria for the location of nuclear . Above all, leave the determination of interdict entrust the undertakings concerned the choice of sites where implement them. And, not surprisingly, with little transparency and opportunistic behavior, the location of nuclear will be made public only after the regional elections . It 'obvious, like its predecessors teach, that the regions that will be governed by the center will accept, without much distinction, to host nuclear plants and storage sites of radioactive waste. And, given the power to conditioning of the Northern League, is easy to predict who will be the southern to bear the brunt of this unfortunate choice by the government. The Campania regional council of IDV did approve an amendment to the regional capital, which states that the t erritorio of our region is precluded installation of production facilities energy electric nuclear , manufacturing and storage of fuel nuclear and deposits of radioactive materials. But now government has decided to contest this determination (also taken by the Apulia and Basilicata region) before the Constitutional Court. Italy of Values \u200b\u200bbelieves that nuclear technology that will make both obsolete and damaging the health of all citizens. This option, a great majority, has already been repudiated by the 1987 referendum . Therefore we are going to get back on the streets to collect signatures for a new referendum to say no to nuclear , once and for all. For my part, as a candidate to the regional elections, I am committed (having placed one of my priorities, all accessible to the site to fight with all my strength so that in Caserta in Campania installed or nuclear power plants or storage sites for radioactive materials. Our young people, who already have so few reasons to stay in our region, we also deliver a territory and an unhealthy environment and health risk, as if it were not enough toxic waste in the north which led to an exponential increase of cancer in our region. Today we run the risk of writing a distressing mortgage on land and on future generations I think that the other candidates for the Regional Council of Campania should make known to the voters what their thoughts on the subject.

Dr. Emilio Iannotta

Candidate IDV regional elections