Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sampleinquiry Letter Of Wedding

Under 18 Alleghe - Merano

half time
Annex 1 (Adami KeWin)
Merano 1
End later
Annex 5 (System Of A Down, Testori, Testori Fontanive)
Merano 2
After playing
Annex 5
Merano 2
the free throws wins the attachment with the decisive penalty Patrick Meneghetti

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Blog Nami Et Robin Hot

Tanti auguri a........

Happy Birthday a. .. .
Balbin Andrea
athlete Series C
now takes 27 years
Congratulations Andrea

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Project Report For Any Business Setup

Torneo "Primaverile Over 35"

Team Old Timers in collaboration with the Alleghe Alleghe Hockey and sponsored by the City of Alleghe


Ice Stadium" De Toni A. "
Alleghe 26/27 March 2011

the square of the stadium will set up a tent, open to all patrons from Saturday, March 26 by 12.00 am

evening with musical entertainment. Munari will play Paul
We wait for two days of pure fun!

Full program at

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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in memory of my friend Lilly

Hello Lillo. This morning I feel the uncontrollable need to write two lines in your memory.

not so much to make public the relations between us, on which I feel a duty to disclose compliance with a friend with whom you've shared happy times and less happy, enthusiasms and fears, passions and disappointments.

Rather feel duty bound to write two lines as a citizen of Glossop, administrator of our beloved town.

Why are aware that our community has lost one of its best men and will inevitably poorer if it is unable to reflect and learn from your earthly life.

In truth I write this because I know that the fate of your fellow citizens-the children who start life in the old withering slowly-you have always been very important to us.

You were one of the best men of our community forever, at all stages of your life. And when you lived by the protagonist, with your remarkable intelligence, versatility and excellence in academic performance and sporty, easy approach to human and conquest, contagious sympathy. And when you were relegated to an area of \u200b\u200bthe second row, where it came from the emerging availability in your infinite goodness and human, your irony, your discreet, respectful but firm professionalism.

deep knowledge, being aware of your love for your Piedimonte and human qualities, asked myself several times to joke that if you did not become a director of the first magnitude in our city. Do you remember a brilliant student representative of that our beautiful high school class that is decimating the sad fate of most voted and component School Council. Above all, remember well your innate desire to get on the problems of others.

Then, instead, you're limited to telling our city. But as a journalist you have an example of serenity, impartiality, fairness.

From city administrator and, ultimately, I hope your heart cha earthly life dramatic-in some ways because it is too soon you left us with a sense of helplessness and frustration-face each of us reflect and especially the ruling class. In order to be made more effective instruments and interventions on behalf of those who find themselves in difficulty and increasingly strengthened opportunities for closeness, proximity, widespread solidarity. As is the tradition of our city.

Hello Lillo, playmate, study and life.

Emilio Iannotta

Sample Of Theme In Recognition Day

referendum against nuclear energy: the battle of civilizations and love

From reading the newspapers and we are informed by the news of "strange" reactions of politicians and pundits to the immense tragedy that has affected and is affecting Japan .

anyone dares to write of 'opportunistic Antonio Di Pietro guilty of a few months to remember that the Italians have the potential through the efforts of Italy of Values, to reaffirm its opposition to nuclear power of the Italians.
Someone else is quick to say that the PD will support the referendum against nuclear power. Well, dear Bersani, better late than never. Too bad he did not have the support of the PD in the collection of signatures for authentication and certification of same. But I welcome the cooperation of the PD-and all those parties, associations and individuals, who want to support this battle of civilizations and love for our children .
anyone else, the President of the Veneto region, Luca Zaia, of the Northern League, a party that also voted for the law establishing the return to nuclear power, reiterated that suspicious timing never allow nuclear power plants that are planted in the region. And if you can afford as well because everyone knows that who owns a golden share in the government, essentially those in power in Italy, is the Northern League , since for Mr. B. priorities are the family business and his problems with the law. As a day
Italy of Values \u200b\u200bbegin the campaign in Italy, and therefore also in the Upper and Casertano Piedimonte Matese, before anyone accuse me of political profiteering and exploitation of terrible tragedies, I thought it appropriate to republish Blog Italy of Values \u200b\u200bAlto Casertano ( ) my public position on it, as it did in the last regional election campaign.
The other speakers on the topic can be easily identified by clicking on "nuclear" between the labels of the blog above.

Emilio Iannotta

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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Volpino il Vichingo ultima parte

seems like yesterday, it seems like yesterday the day I left for Venice and landed in Oslo. It has been nearly eight months. And after all this time is the time to draw conclusions. As you can see the season is over for Frisk Asker. We were eliminated in the quarter-final four games to one just like the attachment. As is normal that there were good moments and others more difficult. Did not start in the best way. I had many difficulties in first few weeks, but as someone who has much more experience than me in this field told me, there's always an initial period of adaptation that does not get discouraged, but facing "difficulties" with serenity. Here we say that I lacked a bit of serenity and patience in the first few weeks. Now look at you with a smile at that period, as well as other times in my career I realized that those times you can "grow" on a personal level a lot more good moments and success.

leprime Past difficulties have started friendly and I started to integrate well in the team and without even realizing it arrived Sept. 18 and started the championship. The first 13 games have gone very badly for the team, only a win and a lot of difficulties. For me, things were going great, and I admit that it was a pleasure to wear a helmet of gold, the equivalent of the mesh used InItalia top-scorer. Then, unfortunately, came the accident, the nightmare of all glisportivi (or alemeno those who did) that the groin. I had the same problem four years ago, when Alleghe c'eraMats Lusth, the year of the quarter-final with Bolzano and unfortunately lost their semi-final with Milan in Game 5. This time as easy to get out in the past summer, all the doctors and therapists have different ideas ariguardo.

I felt a bit 'of everything and in the end, do not even know exactly with whom or what, the groin is gone. The only positive note of all this is that I spent twenty days in Alleghe, and right there I started to put shoes, more than a month dopol'ultima game played in Norway. I returned to Asker December 9 and I trained with the team until the week of Christmas, and thanks to the long Christmas break I was able to spend Christmas at home.

UNPO then I had 'time to get back into shape and I played on January 9 the first game after the injury. The first 4-5 games were very good then I had a drop in productivity. Do not even know the reason well, Misenta, but I could not express myself well and from there began a period that is 'too difficult for some seasoned' bad luck (the disk did not want to get in the door and posts and crosses were my worst nightmares). Then came the meeting with the national team that helped me a bit off 'the plug. Indeed after the break I played UNPO 'better but still were not satisfied with my performance.

So I decided to avail the help of a psychologist who by mid-season we have been made available by the company. This helped me a lot and allowed me to play five playoff games very well and be happy with the season finale. Surely someone will see the bizarre way to use the psychologist in sport. But I can assure you that I helped a lot, when you can not express yourself to enter into a vortex where you see only the negative side of things, and most of the time in my opinion it is this that allows you to express yourself .

Sure you can leave it alone, but the right words or encouragement at the right time can be really important. As said earlier it is time to draw conclusions. Start by saying that was a very positive experience, both in terms of sports than human.

As you can see in the previous rows are not entirely satisfied with my season, but I can not be said to be disappointed. Sure I could do something extra, from all points of view, but I did my best every time I got on the ice (46 matches in total) so I can not reproach ofmore than both. I am proud to have chased the dream of playing abroad for a season of my career, and I can say that I've made. Now I'm on the plane that will take me back in Italy and I can not help but think of all that was.

Non dimenticherò facilmente i compagni di squadra che mi hanno sempre trattato molto bene e con cui si è
creato un gran bel rapporto. Cercherò di non dimenticare quel po' di norvegeseche ho imparato anche se sarà molto difficile…:-) Le uniche cose che non mi mancheranno della Norvegia saranno i -25 gradi di dicembre, il buio alle tre del pomeriggio e i prezzi assolutamente assurdi..

Mentre scrivo sono sull'aereo che mi riporterà in Italia, spero i miei articoli sul blog vi siano piaciuti e ci rivedremo o qui o…sul ghiaccio dell'Alvise De Toni :-)

Ha de bra (saluto norvegese) Nicola

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fluttering Left Upper Abdomen When Lying

U18: Merano - Alleghe

SEMIFINALS 5 ° / 8 °

End Show starts at 17:30 the first time
Merano - Alleghe 0-0

End later:
Merano - Alleghe 2-0

Final Result:
Merano - Alleghe 3-0

THANK Mirko Fontana for their cooperation!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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When the narratives are likely developments incomprehensible ... ... .. open letter to President Vendola

Dear President,

He writes a citizen and a militant party. Italy of Values, and especially of the center. Yes, without a center-dash and no space, because the absence of the hyphen and the space has a value symbolic in so many Italians, and I among them, are loyal. That absence has a very strong political significance because it implies that:

-bipolarity and politics are of alternating sign of political civilization and to bring politics closer to citizens, allowing them a better understanding and a more conscious assessment of political and administrative

-parties of the coalition are willing to give up selfishness aside in favor of a summary of the most advanced. Petty tactics in favor of a long-term strategy;

-parties of the coalition which put North Star of their shared path protection a constitutional right such as work, health, safety, education, equal opportunities, equality in respect of the law. And in times like these and with the government that we are, rather than protection we are obliged to defend to the bitter end;

-the coalition parties have the maturity to represent the above rights to the best minds, the best energies the best evidence whether right or left politics. To waive the right of primogeniture and the right of veto. A call on the citizens, with the primaries, when a civilian comparison between candidates and parties shall not have shared a summary.

Dear President,

many Italians between them and I consider it a standard-bearer of the center without a hyphen, especially because it has focused its battle to defend those rights all now some would have become a privileged few. Why do we always put the face with courage and generosity without fear of challenging the party machinery. Because he wanted and managed to deal with the daily difficulties of the administration of a beautiful southern region showed a long attachment to the origins and effectiveness.

His stories have fascinated many, even outside the perimeter of SEL.

today touches a seemingly difficult choice in cui credo debba farsi guidare dall’istinto, dal cuore,dalla sua storia e dal suo percorso politico, dalle sue narrazioni. Deve scegliere e aiutare i suoi militanti (e tutti i Napoletani) a scegliere tra Luigi de Magistris e il prefetto Mario Morcone .

La città di Napoli, con i suoi tanti problemi e le sue mai abbastanza valorizzate potenzialità, merita una sua valutazione serena dettata dall’amore e dalla coerenza e non certamente condizionata dalla realpolitick.

I Napoletani, popolo passionale e generoso, non meritano che le proprie vicende amministrative e le proprie sorti entrino a far parte di una partita a scacchi tra partiti in that the new tactic seems to prevail over the far-reaching strategy. Development and growth to linger more than enough twists between the Camorra organized crime and perverse, sick economy and administrative mismanagement.

ultimately must choose between two people, two stories without being influenced, in my humble opinion, the political parties that support them and that today the call for electoral support.

seems to me that Luigi de Magistris has incentives, motivations and personal history that it deserves its wholehearted support. Instinctively, but reinforced by conscious reflection. Why is a man without a center-dash, because he fought with his back straight to protect rights described above, because it has not been afraid to stand against the apparatus of political parties (including his own when he saw the need), because for the sake of his land by an act of generosity and wanted to raise this urgent appeal to the many Neapolitans well who are tired of Bassolino but certainly do not want to fall into the hands of Berlusconi and his mentors Campania.

Two more thoughts I would like to submit. To the great communicator that you do observe that Naples and the center now needs a young face, fresh, smiling, hopeful. Naples must return happy, proud and optimistic.

man in the primaries, the man of the people I note that this powerful tool of democracy is often de-legitimized, weakened and manipulated. Often in the name of realpolitik. In Naples, the Democratic Party, an indispensable ally, has organized, carried out, contested and never acknowledged. The PD of Naples, so naïve and so fragmented can claim to Naples right to veto or birthright? And can the national PD claim the right to choose the Mayor of Naples, Naples replacing the PD and ultimately to the Neapolitans? I do not think the Neapolitans will appreciate.

Finally, Mr President, let lose chess, horses, realpolitick, tactics. Take a listen to the heart, instinct, the Neapolitans. Otherwise, its likely evolution incomprehensible narratives ... ... ... ...

Emilio Iannotta

What I Would Do To Denise Milani

Convocazioni nazionale under 18

HOCKEY: Men's National Under-18 call

NOTICE UNDER NATIONAL 18Incontro friendly with Austria in St.Poelten (AUT) March 15, 2011 at 16:00.
PORTIERIVALLINI Gianluca Ev Bozen 84, KOSTNER Giancarlo Gherdeina HC. Reserve
home: Gabriel Pramstaller HC Pustertal Junior.
DIFENSORILACEDELLI Federico SG Cortina, Cortina SG Gabriele Moretti, Andrea Strazzabosco Asiago HC, HC Merano Junior Philip Beber, Ritten Sport Wenter Martin, Michael MESSNER WSV Sterzing Sterzing, Christian CASTLUNGER SHC Fassa.
Reserve at Home: Philip Bachlechner HC Pustertal Junior.
ATTACCANTIFREI Alex Kaltern Eishockey SV and SV Andergassen Raphael Kaltern Eishockey (if eliminated from the playoffs), Nicola DELUCA SHC Fassa, Fassa SHC CASTLUNGER Martin, LARES Simone Cortina SG, SG Cortina Bravin Damiano, Turrini David HC Merano Junior, Frank Daniel HC Merano Junior / Salzburg AUT, Stefan Kobler HC Merano Junior Peter HC HOCHKOFLER Eppan Appian, Tormen Patrick HC Alleghe, Massaro Dominic HC Neumarkt Neumarkt, TAVA Alex HC Bolzano 2000, Antonio J. Magnabosco HC Asiago. Reserve
home: Raphael FERDIGG HC Pustertal Junior.

Patrick Tormen a big good luck

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Tanti auguri a........

Greetings a. ..............
Philip Bolzan
athlete under 15
who turns 15 today
Congratulations Philip

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Tanti auguri a........

With one day late Happy Birthday

a. .. ...................

Milos Ganz
defender series A and series C under 26

that on March 9 to 21 years
Congratulations Milos

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Endometriosis Miscarriage

3° partita Serie C Under 26 contro il Laces

AHC Vinschgau - Alleghe Hockey Laces 20:00 0:54

goals Laces Ties 4:59
Loris De Val
13.05 End
first goal Laces: Laces 2 Annex 1

Second Half
tie Alleghe Yuri Ganz! End of period
central Laces 2 Annex 2

At the end of regulation time teams still tied!

Even the overtime sees a team prevail .. it goes to penalties!

Penalties: wins The Laces

Good luck to Alan Davare that came out of the field due to injury.

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Finali under 11 - 2°Play off under 18

Alleghe Asiago Hockey Finals - Feltre 2 halves of 18 minutes half time

Annex 1 (Thomas Desilvestro)
Feltre 0
end of the game 1 to 1
Feltre win on penalties 2 to 1

Part 2 for the 3rd and 4th place Finish
first Annex 2 (Pasuch Paul Detoni Edgar)
Asiago 2 Ende
second time 2 to 2. Asiago wins 3 to 2 on penalties
Thanks to Roberta Desilvestro that with patience and perseverance has always been my kept informed, people like you are gold. Thanks to Giuliano De Biasio and all those who have followed this large group of young athletes.

U-18 played at Alaba Canazei Turin against Real Fine
first time: Alleghe 0 Torino 3 seconds
End time: Annex 1 (Tormen,) Torino 7
End game: Annex 3 (Tormen, Sopper) Torino 7

Thanks Mirco Fontanive for updates.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

9 Month Olde Wit Chesty Cough

U15: Alleghe vs Pergine 1-4

Beginning at 18:30

0-1 Draw by Christian Costa 1-1 2-1

half time: Annex 1 - 2 Pergine

Second Half Still no goals .. 1-2

Third time: Pergine stretches and goes to 1-4

End result:
Annex 1 - 4 Pergine

Our boys tried hard but we have not been enough!

Bravi the same!

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Tanti auguri a........

Happy Birthday ............. a. Isabel
little athlete under 9 / 11 off 9
today candles
Congratulations Isabel

Friday, March 4, 2011

Brown With Honey Highlights

Under 18 Real Torino - Alleghe

half time
Real Torino 0
Annex 1 (Tormen)
End later
Real Torino 3
Alleghe a
End game
Ral Alleghe beat Torino 7 1
return game Sunday, March 6 in Alleghe
training under 20 has conluso the championship.
Thanks to Mirco Fontanive for their cooperation

Information On Camaro Shadow

Notizie da Nicola il Vichingo

I'm going to write on the eve of the playoffs, which begin here in Norway Wednesday, March 2 2011.Proprio as Alleghe, 5 games by the end of regular season We were in a situation difficult, but then won four matches we have secured the seventh place, and then access to the playoffs.
as Annex meet a team that so far we have never beaten in the playoffs, but as we know anything can happen and what happened previously does not count.
Wednesday to fly at a time of Stavanger and we will do our race 1.From personal point of view is not a great period in the last month I have collected many places, unfortunately most were stitches instead of goals :-) and assist in the break in February, I attended the National Italian Euro Ice Hockey Challenge, which, ironically, took place precisely in Oslo (20 km from Asker). The game against Norway was more exciting than ever, I also addressed my current teammate, then win was even more divertente.Che nice to talk again in the Italian dressing room! Now, after seven months, I will be more natural to speak in English.
In this period I also met the uncle of one of my teammate, is a native of Santo Stefano di Cadore and 35 years living here in Norway, his name is Italo and owns a restaurant in Oslo, so when I want a good pizza or a good pasta I go to him, his only fault? Tifa Cortina.
About Cortina, can not deny that the day of the derby would have liked to be able to play the game for Alleghe with old comrades, there must have been really exciting atmosphere but above the stadium full and it's always nice to see so many people and feel the warmth of tifosi.Ascoltando the interview with Alberto at the end of Game 3, I realized that even after pretty intense games and there are people who whistle and criticism. Now, I do not want to teach anyone anything, but in 23 home games here in Asker, I never heard anyone whistle, let alone insult the players as has happened often all'Alvise De Toni, even after a derby lost 7 to 0 . I believe that from this point of view we should learn a little bit.
Now I leave and go to train, can not wait to come Wednesday, you exercise and you sweat a whole season to get At this point, to play all in the playoffs ... even if I recommend a little cheer from a distance 'for Frisk Asker!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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2° Play Off Serie C Under 26 Alleghe - Laces 2-0

Kick-off at 20.30

half time
Alleghe 0 0 Laces

Loris De Val 31:31 1-0 2-0
39:50 RobertoFontanive

End later
Annex 2 Laces 0

End result: Annex 2 - 0 Laces


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Tanti auguri a........

Greetings a. ...............

Manuel Da Tos (Bondra)

now takes 28 years

Congratulations Manuel

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Toner Empty Repaldce Toner

L'angolo di Matt Varissa

This is the angle of Matt Varissa
great doctor and spin doctors hockey
Matt comes from Buffalo and replaces the sfotunato
Savone Frank, died tragically ended in tatters,
blame for the outbreak of his boat during a fishing trip tragedy in Louisiana.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Masterbate In The Shower -guy

Grazie a voi tifosi!

I would like to thank Matthew and Karen, and I think the thanks of many fans of 'Alleghe, which follow the adventures of the team, the company from all over Italy and Mondo.Ringrazio wholeheartedly Matteo and Karen, because every day through the site, and through the nest of owls have informed us constantly of the events of the first team, C-Series and youth, even managing to keep up to date all those fans like me who unfortunately can not be mentioned in the annex for geographical reasons. You have done an excellent job, as always, moreover, have done in previous seasons, and though the season is over in Brunico, I think you have won a great victory as ever. Because of your work can you do to love a company, a team, even those who can perhaps only once a 'year to come to the stadium. I think a thanks is too simplistic for the amount of work you have done, but be aware that there are thousands of graces that come from all parts of Italy, and forming a choir for you ... Thanks also go to our first great this team, because with great difficulty, however, came to seduce us, they fought until the 'last second of Saturday's match. A big thank to the president and his staff, technicians, the men close to the team, the captain Manuel De Toni and the whole group that we hope to find in the next season, and if not well thanks anyway, because we know that we have put my heart. Come on Adam, Cica, Ciak, Menni, Peter, Bicio, Vegia, Vince, Mac, Tyson, Jari, Niklas, and all the other owls Force Alleghe ... forever. Francesco Bassi, head for Italy and a supporter of Hockeyok always' s Alleghe from Parma