L'Europa è in arrivo a Firenze
Shen Wei Dance Arts - Lois Greenfield E 'was presented in the press these days, the 17th edition of Fabbrica Europa
, dedicated this year in Europe
<-> <-> East Mediterranean, with a program of visual arts, dance, theater, music, meetings and workshops, in a way that moves eastward leaving and arriving from Europe to China. Art science and technology come together and compared with an increasing number of filmmakers, artists, choreographers, musicians and scholars who conduct research together that go beyond the narrow concept of artistic discipline.
Between concerts, shows and installations, as always, there will be spoiled for choice. Among these
The spiral oval , an installation that explores the relationship between art, mathematics and cosmology is a work of Mario Merz
, image of the cosmic spiral in which you view the number sequence discovered by Leonardo Fibonacci and symbol The processes of natural growth. Another installation is interesting
Areal, of
Granula Syntesis , pointing to the fusion of video and sound, creating a performance / multi-sensory installation.
Framerate 0_primo experiment, is the creation of new
Santasangre an experiment, in fact, based on natural processes. At the center here is the solidification of water that becomes ice, defined as total and zero point of departure for a new thought.
premiere is presented in table of Fabbrica Europa
The heart of David Moss in which the vocal versatility gestural and the choreographer is filtered through the search
Real Time processing techniques in the fields of sound and interactivity.
The choreographer Shen Wei
blends East and West in the triptych
Re (I, II, III) showing three fascinating civilizations, Tibet, Cambodia and China, expressed through music, dance, voice and images.
nazionele Another first is to
La verité par 25 x second, newly created by the choreographer Frédéric Flamand
with B Allet
National de Marseille and in collaboration with 73 ° Maggio Musicale Fiorentino.
Jan Fabre è
Another Sleepy Dusty Delta Day , una performance ispirata da una canzone di Bobby Gentry che è uno studio sulla morte, sull'amore, sul suicidio e sulle condizioni psichiche di chi sopravvive alla persona amata.
Ancora in prima assoluta viene presentata la nuova creazione di
César Brie Albero senza ombra ispirata a un tragico fatto realmente accaduto l'11 settembre 2008 nella giugla boliviana: un massacro di cittadini che si recavano a una riunione sindacale. Brie ha indagato su questo avvenimento intervistando persone coinvolte e analizzando varie informazioni pervenute alla polizia e ai medici.
Compagnia Krypton propone
Il ponte Stone, directed by Giancarlo Cauteruccio, a trial on the use of lighting systems that is based on the experimental use of light to modify space.
Among other names that stand out from the program are then: Victoria Hanna, Teatr Zar, the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards, the Franco-Algerian Nacera BELAZ, I Young Nam, Luisa Cortesi and Massimo Barzagli, Alessandro Carboni, Fabrice Lambert, Gruppo Nanou, Letizia Renzini and Marina Giovannini, Cristina Rizzo.
Among the musical is presented the original
Back to Mongolia: sciamanitica tradition / ritual that sees electronic Gendos Chamzyryn with the shaman, musician traditional instruments, Tim Hodgkinson, English composer and musician, and Ken Hyder, Scottish drummer and percussionist. Will be followed by a DJ set by Leon P sciamanitiche and sounds inspired by the Crystal Distortion.
Pasquale Mirra (vibraphone) and
Hamid Drake (drums, frame drum and vocals) join two apparently distant cultures that are able to amalgamate. The live
Talvin Singh and DJ sets Raj Pannu represent the Indian music scene. The
Dhoad are musicians who embody the most authentic Gypsy tradition. The quartet of Ares Tavolazzi, Elias Nardi, Edmondo Romano and Emmanuel Le Pera creates an interesting musical bridge between Middle Eastern music and jazz.
There will also be evenings devoted to DJ sets, meetings and conferences.
The festival will be closed from The Embalmer
melodrama directed by Giorgio Battistelli.
Every day the appointment is then for a drink on the porch of the Stazione Leopolda, or a beer, an outdoor cocktail after dinner.
For more information:
www.fabbricaeuropa.net For the program