Continues until July 18 to Palazzo Strozzi exhibition "A look into" containing works by de Chirico, Max Ernst, Magritte, Balthus and others. It starts from the works of De Chirico and the influence that these have had on twentieth century to show the dream and lighting that permeates the paintings of the artist and his successors. Busts, windswept plazas, and solitary figures in space continues to recur in the paintings of the twentieth century after De Chirico.
In the works of De Chirico depicts the image not the reality, the landscape, the person, but the revelation that they have inspired, bringing the soul of things. E 'then the thought that emerges from the paintings on display, in which the protagonists are not people or things, but they are concepts, ideas and symbols. Like the tower, in a reference to Leopardi, and Nietzsche, is the desire to infinity. Or the black arrows that pointed toward the ground, remember that the real mystery is not so much in heaven but rather on the ground.
Ernst and Magritte are the two most Surrealist painters of the other inherited the lesson of de Chirico. Carrà and Morandi But it suffered an immediate influence. A Palazzo Strozzi are therefore also exposed their works are linked by the theme of the influence of De Chirico.
The show is very demanding, especially for those who approach it without an adequate background, but molto ben allestita, organizzata e spiegata. Non sono stati dimenticati i bambini
per i quali è stato messo a punto un bel percorso didascalico che stimola il divertimento invitandoli a esplorare la psicologia umana e in particolare le esperienze legate allo spazio e al sogno.
Proprio al tema del sogno è dedicato un apposito spazio in cui i visitatori possono raccontare i propri sogni attraverso racconti o disegni da lasciare in mostra oppure inviare via Twitter, Facebook o e-mail.
Orario: tutti i giorni 9:00-20:00, giovedì 9:00-23:00.
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