E 'arrival in the Easter and already you begin to breathe in the scented air of spring. Perhaps many will take advantage of gestures day of celebration for the first or the last beach holiday in the mountains to visit a new city or relax on a farm. Those who stay at home instead of the traditional meal is blessed with the egg and the chocolate, but you can also choose to dine out, go for a drink or a disco. Here is a bit 'of ideas.
First, a good Florentine can not lose the traditional ceremony of the burst of the Cart in Piazza del Duomo accompanied by flag-wavers and the parade. The ritual has a very ancient and popular belief has it that the explosion of the cart and the flight of the dove is a prediction for the future of the city, in short, if everything goes smoothly, Florence promises to be a good year.
After the outbreak of the wagon you can stop to eat in the central market square where the restaurant is open Za Za pm. The a la carte menu starring the typical Tuscan dishes like ribollita and the Florentine steak. The restaurant Napoleon, in Piazza del Carmine, is open for lunch on Easter. Here you can choose to dine inside or outside on the terrace of the square.
For a day out with the Easter lunch Porcinaia Tosi offers a menu full respect of tradition. Prosecco of welcome "to the cuddly Giorgino" flan with wild mushrooms, ravioli filled with ricotta and spinach with melted pecorino cheese and mushrooms, Sliced \u200b\u200bhomemade meat sauce and mushrooms casentinese undergrowth; grade mixed grill with lamb, kid and cut with roast potatoes, with hot chocolate and dove Easter biscuits Giorgino. Mineral water, red wine Altomena Farm, coffee and bitter. Price: 35 €. Otherwise the all'Impruneta Restaurant Sassi Blacks offers for lunch on Easter a special menu created for the occasion: Doggy whisker with beans and ham Bibbona Chianti risotto with pumpkin; the lily Tuscan ragout of beef, pork loin baked pears and plums with chicory Bibbona; zuccotto Florentine with mead, wine red Lamole Lamole. Price: 37 € per person. After lunch you can stay and make a jump in Chianti Panzano where you can browse among the stalls of handicrafts.
For an evening of music from Zenigata is Elisa Tribute Band, the Rainbow. The band was founded with the intention to pay homage to one of several Italian singers in vista del momento. La grande somiglianza del timbro vocale di Luz con quello di Elisa rende ogni performance un vero e proprio spettacolo, capace di alternare travolgenti momenti rock ad atmosfere suggestive e toccanti.
Per chi preferisce la formula cena o aperitivo e dj set, al Boston T si può scegliere appunto tra l’aperitivo a 10 euro con tavolo prenotato e drink incluso, o la cena a menu fisso con antipasto, primo, secondo, contorno, acqua, caffè, vino a 25 euro. Dopo cena si balla con il dj set di musica commerciale, revival e happy house. Al Lochness Lounge la festa è Easter Bunny, si festeggia con uova di Pasqua e Martini al cioccolato. Al Twice : Easter party with Lottery "Tourists for a week," Extraction of trips and other prizes! House and commercial music, DJ Patrick Belli, with free admission selection.
For a disco returns again this year 's meeting with the usual "big event" of the Easter Saschall . For this edition, the stage will be the German Chris Liebing, the British and the revelations Italoboyz Florentine Silvie Loto and Teo Naddi.
For those who will spend Easter on the coast of Versilia Marina di Pietrasanta is the traditional feast of the Passover Mondial and Blanco. From 19:30 onwards, buffet, music and drinks. Possibility reservation tables.
ZA 'ZA' Piazza del Mercato Centrale, 26/29r - Florence. Info: 055/215422, 055/214332. http://www.trattoriazaza.it/ , the mailto: info@trattoriazaza.it
NAPOLEON Piazza del Carmine, 24 - Florence. Info: 055/281015. http://www.trattorianapoleone.it/ info@trattorianapoleone.it
Porcinaia Via della Resistenza, 3 - Tosi, Reggello (FI). Info: 055/864616. http://www.laporcinaia.it/ , laporcinaia@email.it
SASSI BLACKS Via delle Terre Bianche, 1 - Impruneta (FI). Info: 055/2311012.
Zenigata Piazza Piave, 2 - Scandicci (FI). Info: 055/2590228, 335/7983266.
LOCHNESS LOUNGE Via de 'Benci, 19r - Florence. Info: 055/241464. w ww.lochnessfirenze.com , lochness@lochnessfirenze.com .
CLUB TWICE Via Verdi, 57r - FirenzeInfo: 055/2476356, 348/4772096. http://www.twiceclub.com/ , info@twiceclub.com .
MONDIAL AND BLANCO Via Duca della Vittoria, 219 - Marina di Pietrasanta (LU). Info: 347/4238636.
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